The European Union’s Warning to TikTok: A Potential Ban Looms

A new service from TikTok has raised concerns in the European Union, prompting threats of a potential ban.

The EU likened the service to being “as addictive as cigarettes” and demanded TikTok provide convincing evidence of safeguards for children.

This marks the EU’s first use of enhanced authority to impose penalties on social media platforms, granted by the EU Digital Service Act (DSA) enacted in August 2023.

Tasked with assessing the defense arguments put forth by TikTok, the EU Commission has set a deadline until Wednesday, as reported by The Guardian UK.

Thierry Breton, the digital commissioner, criticized TikTok’s implementation of TikTok Lite as failing to comply with DSA obligations, labeling the service as “toxic”.

The EU could potentially suspend the reward feature within the bloc if TikTok fails to address concerns about its impact on users’ mental health.

Amid ongoing DSA investigations related to child protection, Breton voiced dismay that TikTok proceeded to launch the app in France and Spain recently.

Highlighting TikTok’s extensive use among European children, Breton emphasized the commission’s commitment to their safety.

The new TikTok application incentivizes users with rewards such as Amazon vouchers, PayPal gift cards, or TikTok Coins for completing various tasks like watching videos and engaging with content.