The deployment of 5000 personnel by FCT NSCDC preceding hunger protest

Preceding the planned nationwide protests, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Federal Capital Territory Command, has strategically deployed 5,000 personnel across the command to monitor activities and prevent any attacks on critical assets and infrastructures.

In adherence to the directives of the Corps Commandant General, Ahmed Audi, all commands and zonal commands of the Service have implemented this measure.

FCT’s Commandant, Olusola Odumosu, issued a stern warning to those contemplating attacks on public utilities in the FCT, urging them to reconsider their plans or face severe legal consequences.

Issuing a statement through the Command’s Public Relations Officer, Samuel Idoko, the Commandant emphasized the importance of ensuring that the protest remains peaceful and is not derailed by troublemakers seeking to sow chaos in the country.

He stated, “In line with the Commandant General’s directive on safeguarding critical national assets and infrastructure during planned nationwide protests, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) Federal Capital Territory Commandant, Olusola Odumosu, has cautioned against any attempts to target public utilities in the FCT.

“Consequently, he has ordered an immediate deployment of 5000 personnel from his command for strategic placement to ensure comprehensive coverage of all areas in the FCT, including all the Area Councils.

“He emphasized that while peaceful protest is a constitutional right of every citizen, the potential for violence, looting, arson, destruction, and general mayhem by unlawful elements necessitates the enforcement of peace and prevention of violent uprisings.”

Odumosu also appealed to the protest organizers to opt for dialogue, suggesting that greater progress can be achieved through discussions rather than actions that jeopardize public peace and safety.

“Our primary objective is to provide robust security before, during, and after the protests for all residents, visitors, and Critical National Assets and Infrastructure (CNAI) in the FCT.

“Due to the heightened risk of potential lawlessness, and considering that the FCT serves as the nation’s capital and hosts various diplomatic missions, it is imperative to handle the situation with utmost professionalism to ensure control and containment”, the statement concluded.