The decision by Middle Belt youths to pull out of the hunger protest

The Middle Belt youths have officially withdrawn their participation from the planned nationwide hunger protest. The group, represented by the North Central Youth Council, is calling on the Federal Government to take action on the increasing cost of living in the nation.

Scheduled to occur from August 1 to 10, the protest was intended to highlight the challenges faced by citizens due to current hardships.

During a press briefing held in Abuja on Tuesday, the National President of the group, Sunday Asuku, expressed that the protest was not the solution to the country’s problems.

While acknowledging the difficult times being faced by the nation, he called on all Nigerians to collaborate in ensuring the government’s success.

Asuku stated, “Given the circumstances, the North Central Youth Council leadership hereby distances itself from the proposed national protest as it does not offer a viable solution to the challenges confronting us as a nation.

“Although we recognize the hardship in the country, our focus should be on supporting the government towards achieving positive outcomes, while we maintain optimism for a better Nigeria through continuous effort and prayer.

“It is widely known that significant change does not happen overnight, and it is unrealistic to expect the resolution of decades-old issues within a short span of just two years. Such expectations are simply unattainable.”

Appealing to the youth in the region, Asuku advised against participating in the protests, emphasizing the fragile state of the nation.

He cautioned, “We strongly advise and warn all Indigenous youths from the North Central region of Nigeria against engaging in any form of protest related to hunger, insecurity, or any other cause, particularly at this critical juncture when tensions are high. Any action that may jeopardize our peaceful coexistence as a nation must be firmly opposed.”

However, he called on the government to take action to alleviate the high cost of living.

Asuku stressed, “While we acknowledge the government’s efforts to stabilize the economy, we earnestly call for additional measures to address the escalating living expenses.

“We will remain vigilant in overseeing the conduct of heads of MDAs, Ministries, Agencies, etc., to ensure that they do not undermine the government’s earnest endeavors for their own benefit. The North Central Youth Council will not hesitate to expose any such misconduct promptly.”