Terry G Reveals His Unique Approach to Interacting with Colleagues

In a recent revelation, Nigerian artist Terry G, born Gabriel Oche Amanyi, delved into his dynamics with fellow musicians in the industry.

Describing himself as a loner, the ‘Akpako Master’ disclosed that he doesn’t cultivate close friendships with his peers, citing his inherent nature as a contributing factor.

He candidly confessed to never having had a circle of friends, neither within the music realm nor in his personal life, emphasizing his solitary disposition.

During an episode of The Honest Bunch Podcast, Terry G expressed, “Friendship has never been a significant part of my life, not even within the music circle. I prefer solitude.

“My routine revolves around the studio environment. My interactions mainly involve individuals with whom I engage in business dealings. Socializing isn’t my forte.

“Honestly, my child is perhaps the closest companion I have. Other relationships I maintain are primarily based on business engagements rather than personal connections.

“While I used to share a rapport with some colleagues like Timaya in the past, our closeness has dissipated over time without any specific falling out. It’s a natural drift.

“Although we occasionally communicate over the phone, verbal exchanges cannot replicate the intimacy of in-person interactions. Nonetheless, we maintain respectful greetings whenever we cross paths.

“My rapport with Illbliss has evolved positively; despite past conflicts, we’ve reconciled and fostered a cordial relationship.”