Teaching UNIUYO Freshers Fire Safety Goes Awry as Stage Engulfs in Flames

The attempt to educate new students at the University of Uyo on fire safety took a disastrous turn.


Photos circulated online reveal the instructors igniting a fire in a bucket to demonstrate fire safety procedures, with a nearby fire extinguisher on standby for use.


However, their efforts to extinguish the fire using the fire extinguisher proved futile as the fire escalated and engulfed the stage.


Attempt to teach UNIUYO freshers what to do when there


The instructors were seen frantically attempting to contain the spreading fire.


Providing an account of the failed fire drill, @Deminathor_ tweeted: “So today they wanted to teach Freshers what to do when there is a fire outbreak and this was the outcome.”


Attempt to teach UNIUYO freshers what to do when there

Attempt to teach UNIUYO freshers what to do when there