Tara Fela-Durotoye recounts the unpleasant experiences she endured when her husband ran for office in episode 3 of Life Lessons with Betty Irabor (video)

Tara Fela-Durotoye, the founder of House of Tara International, engaged in a conversation with Betty Irabor in episode 3 of Life Lessons. During the interview, she shared her personal struggles and the challenges she faced when her husband ran for office in the 2019 presidential election. Tara discussed the distressing experiences, including online bullying and betrayal by close friends, and how it impacted her emotional well-being.

She disclosed her emotional vulnerability during this period, expressing that the numerous distressing encounters left her feeling teary, despondent, and burdened. Tara revealed the traumatic impact of receiving hurtful feedback from close friends and the subsequent struggle she faced in forgiving them, even seeking the help of a life coach to address this issue.

Tara also shared her experience of being subjected to online bullying and revealed how it led her to unconsciously withdraw due to feeling judged. She acknowledged that the experience was even more distressing for her husband and recounted a poignant moment during a debate where he seemed affected by the challenges they were facing.

The interview also explored how the presidential campaign affected her relationship with her husband and the steps taken to resolve their differences. Tara admitted feeling angry and agitated at the beginning of the campaign, eventually realizing that her emotions were misplaced. She emphasized that facing these challenges together has strengthened their bond.

Additionally, Tara candidly discussed the post-election phase, noting a dispassionate period her husband went through, and her eventual acceptance that their aspirations for a better Nigeria may not align with the current state of the country.

Sharing her biggest lesson from the experience, Tara emphasized the importance of supporting a passionate partner and nurturing a deep and grounded relationship. The interview concluded with Tara offering advice to married couples, encouraging them to focus on nurturing trust, compassion, and profound love for each other before facing challenging moments.

The article also includes a video link to the interview, as part of the Life Lessons With Betty Irabor series, which is sponsored by Nescafé and Maggi and brought to viewers by Linda Ikeji TV.
