Suspected Gunmen Attacks Kaduna Market

Seven persons have been allegedly killed inside Maro market in Kajuru Local Government Area of Kaduna State by suspected gunmen.

The incident happened
between 7pm to 8pm of Wednesday when the traders were closing from the market.

The gunmen reportedly opened
fire on them, killing seven people with unidentified number of innocent people

According to a source, the
suspected killers on arrival at the market in a vehicle, shot sporadically.

The reason for the attack is
not known as according to the source, “immediately the gunmen alighted from
their vehicle in the market, they started shooting sporadically. After carrying
out their illicit act, they returned to their vehicle and left without any
security personnel to confront them.”

When asked whether the
gunmen abducted people or went away with money or material things,the source
said, “As l am talking to you, l can’t say precisely whether they went away
with people or material things, but the way they carried out their nefarious
act, it appears they were there only to kill.

When contacted on phone, the
state Police Public Relations Officer, ASP M. Jalige, did not take his calls. A
text message forwarded to him did not get a response at the time of filing this