Sunday Igboho Opposes Planned Protest, Cites Hardship in Nigeria

Opposing the planned protest set for August 1 across Nigeria due to the prevailing hardship in the country, Sunday Adeyemo, widely known as Sunday Igboho, expressed his discontent.

In a late-night statement released recently, Igboho commended President Bola Tinubu for implementing policies since assuming office on May 29 last year, which previous leaders lacked the political will to pursue.

He acknowledged the challenges faced by every nation and highlighted President Tinubu’s efforts in addressing the existing hardships in the country.

Insisting on the constitutional right to peaceful protests, Igboho emphasized that it does not extend to advocating for an unconstitutional regime change. He noted the absence of such protests for regime change from the Southwest during President Buhari’s eight-year term, despite facing oppression and atrocities from Fulani terrorists.

Issuing a press release in response to the planned protests by unidentified individuals, Igboho expressed concern about efforts to destabilize the country and disintegrate it.

He highlighted the revolutionary policies implemented by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, causing unrest among those who believe it is their entitlement to govern Nigeria. Igboho mentioned attempts to undermine Tinubu’s administration, particularly on social media, aiming to create discord between the government and the people.

Addressing the threat of ’10 days of rage’ from unknown sources starting on August 1, 2024, under the slogan ‘Tinubu Must Go!’, Igboho reiterated the importance of peaceful protests within the bounds of the constitution.

He reminded the public that during President Buhari’s tenure, there were no calls for regime change from the Southwest, despite the challenges faced by the people due to oppressions and atrocities by Fulani terrorists.