Suggestions for New Career Paths Flood in for Instagram Comedian Nasty Blaq Amid Rape Accusations

Allegations of promoting sexual assault in his skits have frequently plagued Instagram comedian Nasty Blaq. However, the backlash reached a new peak when Twitter users condemned his latest skit.

In the contentious skit, Nasty is depicted ogling a fully clothed woman and envisioning her in revealing attire. When she asks him for oil, he instructs her to enter his house to retrieve it. Subsequently, he follows her inside, locks the door, and discards the key.

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Outraged Twitter users highlighted the skit’s insinuation of rape.

Several Twitter users suggested that comedy is not Nasty Blaq’s forte and proceeded to propose alternative career paths for him. This ignited an extensive and comical thread where people rejected him as unsuitable for every job recommended.

Despite Nasty Blaq’s apology, Twitter users continue to denounce him.

Below are some tweets from the thread calling him out:

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty B
                  laq after he was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit

Savage Nigerians suggest alternative jobs for Instagram comedian,Nasty Blaq after he
                    was accused of promoting rape in his latest skit