Statement by Governor Emmanuel Udom: No Intention to Close Schools in Akwa Ibom Due to Coronavirus

Governor Emmanuel Udom of Akwa Ibom states has stated that there are no intentions to shut down schools in the state in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.


During a broadcast delivered throughout the state on Saturday morning, Governor Udom emphasized that there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Akwa Ibom State. He highlighted that the measures implemented at the state airport to prevent the spread of the virus are comprehensive and unparalleled in West Africa.


He urged residents of the state to strictly adhere to preventive measures to avoid contracting the virus.


” I want to advise that we should all continue to observe the simple rules of Personal and Respiratory Hygiene:

Regular hand washing with soap under running water.

b. Use of hand sanitizer where there is no water.

c. Coughing/sneezing into a disposable tissue paper or the cuff of the elbow where no tissue is available and proper disposal of the used tissue.

d. Put on a mask if you cannot properly move away from any person with those symptoms and or give the person a mask to wear.

It is also important to observe SOCIAL DISTANCING, avoid hand shaking, and keep at least six feet away from anyone who is sneezing or coughing.

I would like to remind you of some symptoms of the infection which include: Fever, cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, generally feeling unwell (malaise), common cold (catarrh or runny nose, sneezing, cough).

Anyone with these symptoms should self-isolate and invite our Emergency Response Team for assessment and follow-up. WE encourage you to report members of your family or friends with these symptoms to the Ministry of Health. Your report will be held and treated with absolute confidentiality. The Ministry of Health has already provided the emergency telephone numbers for you to contact the State’s emergency team at any time of the day.

Given the measures aforestated, it is our belief that there is no need to shut down our public schools, which are supposed to close in a week’s time.

I urge you to go about your normal duties.” he said