South-South Governors Reach Consensus on Regional Security Outfit

The South-South Governors Forum announced on Thursday, March 5, that they have decided to launch a security outfit to address the issue of insecurity in the region. 


At the end of a meeting with other Governors from the South-South region, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa revealed that they agreed to have the BRACED Commission (Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Cross River, Edo, and Delta) work out the modalities for the security outfit.


He stated; 


“I am sure you know the five governors standing here out of the six governors in the South-South; We have just finished our governors’ forum meeting.

“Unfortunately, the Cross River Governor, Ben Ayade, was held back in Abuja and could not make it to the meeting.

“We took very far-reaching decisions and I must thank my brothers for attending this meeting.

“We took decision concerning the BRACED Commission which was established 10 years ago by our colleagues who were governors before we came on board.

“We have decided to restart the commission and ensure we provide the necessary logistics for it to function properly.

“The commission is to help us look into the issues of regional economy and the need to collectively develop our region instead of working as individual states.

“A lot has been done in terms of documentation in the past five years. We have agreed to restart the commission with the headquarters in River State.”


Okowa revealed that the commission would brief them on the modalities of operating the regional security outfit at their next meeting in Port Harcourt, scheduled to take place in a few weeks’ time.


He added;


“We also discussed the issues of Federation Accounts Allocation. We agreed that the 13 percent derivation fund should be deducted before the revenue derived from oil is shared.

“This 13 percent derivation fund is supposed to be for the oil-producing states and we have agreed as governors to take up this matter at the appropriate level.”