Sokoto to test returning pilgrims for cholera, other diseases

As part of the measure to curtail the possible spread of Cholera and any other diseases, the Sokoto State Government has assured that all returning pilgrims in the state would undergo tests upon their return to Nigeria at the airport.

The Permanent Secretary of the State Ministry of Health, Abubakar Gagi, who disclosed this said the measure was to ensure that the pilgrims are in good health.

He said while in the Holy Land, the pilgrims mingled with thousands of pilgrims from various countries in the world who might have contracted Covid 19 and other communicable diseases, hence the need to check their health condition upon their return.

“It is a known fact that the pilgrims during their sojourn in Saudi Arabia, had definitely had contact with various people from different countries who might have had one communicable disease or the other.

“So, there is a need for us to check their health condition upon their return home before they mingle with their people here at home,” Gagi said.

The Permanent Secretary said a medical team has been sent to the airport for the conduct of the exercise.

He therefore called for understanding from the pilgrims and their relatives over a little delay they will experience at the Airport.

He thanked the state government for providing all the required medications and logistics for the successful conduct of the exercise