Single mum shares how she saved NYSC allowance to start business despite criticism from friends

Gladys Adija, a 27-year-old mother of two, decided to utilize her National Youth Service Corps monthly allowance to kickstart a business in foodstuffs. In this interview with ABDULLATEEF FOWEWE, she details her journey during the service year.

Can you tell us about your current occupation?

Being recognized as a resilient single mother, I have encountered numerous hurdles in life. My venture started with the savings from my youth corps stipend, paving the way for my foodstuffs trading business. Handling the buying, selling, and exporting of perishable and non-perishable goods became my focus. However, my life took a turn in 2019 when my child’s health complications necessitated a move from Ekiti State to Plateau State for national service. As a native of Plateau State, this shift brought about significant changes in my daily life.

Initially, I harbored ambitions of pursuing acting, driven by a desire for success in the entertainment industry. However, the arrival of my child redirected my priorities towards meeting her needs and financial responsibilities. Motherhood shifted my perspective on finances, highlighting the importance of resource management. Before becoming a mother, I was not mindful of my spending habits, but the birth of my child altered my approach towards money management drastically.

During challenging times when money was scarce, I gained a newfound appreciation for every penny earned. To support my child, I turned to selling tomatoes and peppers on the streets to make ends meet. This humble beginning marked the start of my journey towards sustainable success, fueled by a vision of a better future for myself and future generations. My daughter remains my strongest motivation and drive.

 You mentioned relocating from Ekiti to Plateau. Who did you stay with during that period?

During my time in Plateau, I was fortunate to lodge with a longtime acquaintance living close to my primary assignment location. She worked nearby, which made our living arrangement convenient. I requested to stay with her temporarily, and she graciously accepted my request.

What was your experience like with the NYSC program?

By the end of my service year, I had saved around N320,000 by being frugal with my monthly allowance and taking on side jobs like cleaning, washing, and tutoring. Despite my efforts to save and make ends meet, my friends criticized my lifestyle. However, I am grateful for the path I took. The experience was challenging as my child stayed with my parents during this period. Thus, I usually advise women against premarital relations based on my NYSC experience.

How did your friend react to your financial constraints?

Each month, my mother sent us food supplies to sustain ourselves, and I supplemented our needs with income from a part-time job. I contributed within my means to help with household essentials and meet my friend’s needs. However, as I refrained from expensive social activities to save money, some dubbed me ‘stingy coco’ without understanding my financial challenges and aspirations.

What was your main source of income before becoming a mother?

Coming from a modest family background, my father prioritized meeting our educational needs despite financial constraints. I had a comfortable student life with access to essential resources that eased my academic journey. I never had to seek financial aid from classmates as my parents ensured my well-being through their dedication.

How many children do you have now?

I am a proud single mother of two beautiful children – a seven-year-old and a six-month-old.

You sold tomatoes to support yourself and your child; what was your husband’s contribution?

At the time, my children’s father, also a student, could only offer minimal financial support. We were not legally married when we had our first child, and we later went through a traditional marriage in 2023. However, after eight years and two children, we realized our incompatibility, leading to a divorce.

How did your parents react to your pregnancy out of wedlock?

Like any parent, my parents were upset when they learned about my pregnancy. My father, in particular, had high hopes for my future due to my academic prowess. He was disappointed as he believed such situations could jeopardize my future. Despite their disappointment, my parents stood by me, offering support and encouragement during a challenging period. Their unwavering support motivated me to return to school and work hard to provide for myself and my child.

Realizing that having a child out of wedlock shouldn’t deter me from pursuing my dreams, I am grateful for my parents’ unwavering support throughout my extra year in school due to the pregnancy.

Was there ever a point where you considered abortion?

Choosing to keep my child was a decision I made early on, irrespective of the consequences upon learning about my pregnancy. Despite facing mockery from some schoolmates during my pregnancy, I found strength in the unwavering support of good friends who stood by me. Rather than focusing on negativity, I channeled my energy towards those who uplifted me.

Did you face ridicule for selling pepper?

Being a familiar face in my community as a young lady, the transition to selling pepper attracted unwanted attention and mockery from those who knew me. Despite feeling humiliated by their words, I chose to focus on overcoming the challenges and not being defined by societal judgment.

What challenges do you face as a foodstuffs seller?

Juggling the responsibilities of a 27-year-old mother of two while running a business presents its own set of challenges. Balancing customer service with childcare, often having to multitask with a baby on my back, has been demanding. Despite the sacrifices, my children serve as the driving force behind my perseverance.

How did you overcome these hurdles?

Finding solace in my faith played a pivotal role in overcoming challenges beyond my control. Through seeking comfort in a church community, I learned to lean on my faith for strength and support during trying times.

How did you start your business with savings from your service?

Initiating my business venture with limited funds, I rented a shop and carefully invested in essential products. By reinvesting profits and focusing on high-demand items, I gradually grew my business through strategic decision-making.

What advice do you offer to single mothers?

It is essential to approach endeavors with sincerity and pure intentions, as the rewards from genuine efforts are invaluable. Managing resources with wisdom and dedicating oneself to excellence while maintaining integrity can pave the way for success.

Where do you see your business in the future?

While some perceive my current success as substantial, I aim to expand my business into a dominant force both locally and internationally. Establishing partnerships for export and contributing to Nigeria’s agricultural sector are part of my ambitious goals.

How has your lifestyle changed as your business thrived?

With the growth of my business, I have transitioned from a youth corps member to a busy businesswoman, experiencing increased demands and responsibilities that come with success.

Do you plan to remarry?

Currently prioritizing self, family, and business, marriage is not a focus for me at this moment; I trust in the path that God has laid out for my future.