Singer Korede Bello: The Influence That Led Me to Quit Smoking

Reminiscing on the past, Nigerian music sensation, Korede Bello, shared how his early exposure to cannabis in his environment prompted him to experiment with smoking.

The songwriter behind the smash hit ‘God Win’ revealed that he decided to break free from the habit after realizing that it didn’t align with who he was.

During a recent appearance on actress Omotunde Adebowale David’s podcast ‘Say My Piece’, also known as Lolo1, Bello recounted observing his father smoking when he was younger.

“I had tried weed before but it just wasn’t for me. Growing up, I was surrounded by people who engaged in the habit, and being someone with an addictive personality, I knew it could easily spiral into an addiction for me,” he reflected.

Despite his father smoking and tasking him with buying cigarettes, Bello shared that his father cautioned him against taking up the habit.

Reflecting on those moments, he recalled, “My dad was a heavy smoker who would often send me to purchase cigarettes for him. I noticed that he would cough a lot, which made me ask him why. His response was always, ‘It’s because of the cigarettes. If you want to stay healthy, don’t start smoking’.”

He credited his father’s warnings and his own observations for shaping his belief that smoking was detrimental to his well-being.