Shooting Incident in Nairobi Court as Policeman Attacks Judge

An incident unfolded in a Nairobi courtroom when a senior police officer opened fire on a magistrate following a ruling related to his wife, as per reports from BBC.

The Chief Inspector, Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, in charge of a police station in Londiani, west of Kenya, approached Makadara Principal Magistrate, Monica Kivuti.

It all occurred after she canceled bail for Kipruto’s wife due to her non-appearance in court.

Expressing anger at the decision, Kipruto took out a gun and shot Magistrate Kivuti, causing injuries, as per the BBC report.

Upon intervention by court officers, Kipruto was fatally shot during the confrontation.

Additionally, three other officers sustained injuries during the incident, according to police reports.

The judiciary confirmed the bail revocation by Magistrate Kivuti for a suspect who had skipped bond without providing justifiable reasons.

A statement by the judiciary read, “Immediately after this ruling, an individual shot at the magistrate, injuring her on the hip.”

Initial reports pointed out that “the shooter is a police officer married to the suspect.”

The national police service noted that Kipruto was present in court for “unknown reasons,” with ongoing investigations to uncover the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

The injured magistrate and officers were initially treated at the hospital.

However, on Saturday, Justice Martha K Koome announced on X that Makadara Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti succumbed to her “extensive injuries” after putting up a fight.

Justice Koome expressed, “The Judiciary family stands united during this distressing period and calls for understanding and empathy as we mourn this loss.”

A source from Nairobi Hospital revealed to The Star newspaper that Ms. Kivuti suffered gunshot wounds in the chest and leg.

In response, the judiciary pledged to bolster security measures to protect judicial staff and court visitors.

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Winfridah Mokaya extended sympathies, saying, “As the judiciary family, we wish our colleague a swift recovery and offer condolences to the family of the officer who lost his life in this tragic event.”