Shocking Incident: Man Takes His Girlfriend’s Life After Discovering Text From Ex

Reports reveal that a 23-year-old man from Pennsylvania brutally assaulted his 22-year-old girlfriend, Sabrina Harooni, to death in a fit of jealousy after she received a text message from her ex-boyfriend. He then called an Uber to take her lifeless body to a hospital.

Nicholas Forman allegedly flew into a rage when Harooni received the text message from her ex, resulting in a fatal assault, as per police investigators.

Forman reportedly hailed an Uber and transported Harooni’s motionless body to Pottstown Memorial Hospital, claiming that she had been attacked by a group of women the night before.

Medical examinations at the hospital revealed severe head trauma and signs of assault on Harooni’s body.

Forman also provided the same account to law enforcement, alleging that Harooni had been involved in an altercation with three women at a bar while they were watching the Super Bowl. He mentioned that she had given out their address to the women for a potential fight.

However, investigations presented a different account. The Uber driver who had driven them home that night disclosed that Harooni had mentioned receiving a text from her ex during the ride, causing Forman to demand access to her phone, leading to a tense situation.

Further evidence surfaced when the authorities found a distressing video on Forman’s phone, depicting Harooni lying motionless on the grass while a male voice made derogatory remarks.

Following the investigations, Forman was arrested and charged with first and third-degree murder. His calm assertion of innocence as he was being escorted from his home in handcuffs has added another chilling layer to this tragic incident.

Man takes his girlfriend's dead body to hospital after beating her death over text message from ex