Shocking Discovery Made by Landlady in Room Rented to Two “Respectable” Ladies (with Photos)

A shocking incident occurred when a Thai landlady received complaints from a neighbor about maggots entering her room from the adjacent property rented to two “respectable” ladies.


Upon investigation, Patamavadee, 33, discovered the room unlocked but the door locked. Using a spare key to enter, she was greeted by a distressing sight – the room was filled with trash, leftover food, old clothes, and foam, emitting a foul odor. To her horror, she found feces wrapped in a towel in the bathroom and maggots infesting the space.


Expressing her surprise on Facebook, Patamavadee shared that she had heard of renters leaving rooms in a terrible state, but never expected it to happen to her. Faced with the daunting task of cleaning up, she had no choice but to tackle the situation herself. She later posted pictures of the room restored to its original state on Facebook.


WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)


Speaking to the local media, Patamavadee disclosed that the renters, who were two ladies working on Walking Street, were generally reliable tenants, paying rent on time and maintaining good communication with her.


She described their sudden disappearance about a week ago, after leaving with luggage and not returning, assuming they might have gone back home for a while.


Additional photos can be seen below:


WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)

WTH!... See the mess a landlady found in room she rented to two "respectable" ladies (photos)