‘Senator Sani Musa: The Treatment as a Member of Northern Senators Forum’

Senator Abdul Ningi’s suspension from Bauchi State has sparked controversy, and Senator Sani Musa has spoken out about his perceived exclusion from the Northern Senators Forum.

During a recent debate, Musa, a respected lawmaker representing Niger East, has refuted claims of betraying the North regarding Ningi’s allegations of budget padding.

Expressing disappointment, Musa highlighted instances where key decisions were made within the Forum without his involvement, despite his attempts to address this issue with the Secretary and Spokesman.

In a statement released to the media, Musa emphasized his commitment to transparency and fair representation, denying any intention of betrayal towards Ningi.

As the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and an active member of the Northern Senators Forum, Musa reiterated his dedication to promoting the interests of the North and Nigeria.

He stressed the importance of inclusivity in matters concerning their region and nation, reaffirming his integrity and accountability in serving his Senatorial District and the Senate.

Musa expressed optimism in collaborating to uphold the interests of all stakeholders, emphasizing the need for transparency and unity within the Forum.