See Photos Of 14-Year-Old Schoolgirl Was Brutally Raped, Stabbed And Burnt To Death In South Africa

14-year-old school pupil Liticha Princess Sbongile Nelson was found dead near Elsburg on the East Rand, South Africa.

Liticha, a grade 9 pupil at
Graceland Education Center in Elsburg, Germiston, went missing last Wednesday
and her body was discovered by community members in a bush on Friday.

She had been stabbed and
raped before she was burnt to death.

It was understood that she
had gone missing on Wednesday after she failed to return home from school. The
GED said she was left behind by her school transport and had to walk home.

When Liticha did not come
home from school her grandmother panicked and started checking around the
neighbourhood. The next morning she reported the teen missing to police but was
told to bring a photograph of the child, the education department said in a

The grandmother went to the
school and reported the child missing and it was confirmed that she was absent
on the Wednesday.

“It is also concerning that
the school failed to assist the parent,” the department said.

The grandmother mobilised the community on Friday and, accompanied by dogs, they searched the nearby bush and found the body.

“Sadly, the grandmother had to go back to the Elsburg police station to inform them about the gruesome discovery. We, are informed, Laticia and a group of learners from Dukathole in Germiston, were on Wednesday,

January 22 2020, left behind by the departmental scholar transport and unfortunately had to turn back home. It seems Laticia was left behind by her peers while walking back home, apparently after complaining about a heavy school bag, which she was trying to fix. Accordingly, that was the last time she was seen by her peers,” said the department.