Retired army captain, 73, arrested for allegedly defiling his 4-year-old niece who calls him grandpa

The arrest of a 73-year-old retired army captain for allegedly defiling his four-year-old niece has shocked the city of Calabar. Bassey Ekanem was apprehended for the incident that occurred at his residence on Edim Ibangha Street, Big Qua Town. According to reports, Ekanem was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the alleged assault.

The retired army captain, who is referred to as grandpa by the child, sent the woman living with him out of the house to have the young girl to himself before the assault took place. The matter came to light when the victim’s two-year-old brother told their mother about the incident, leading to the case being reported to Akim police station.

James Ibor Esq, the Principal Counsel of Basic Right Council Initiative, expressed concern about the increasing number of rape cases in Calabar and emphasized the need for thorough implementation of the Child Rights Act. He stressed the importance of not compromising such cases, even if they involve relatives. Ibor also urged parents to educate their children from a young age, as early detection of signs and emotional signals can help prevent similar incidents.

The Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Irene Ugbo, confirmed the suspect’s custody and mentioned that further action would be taken based on the medical report of the incident. The case has once again brought attention to the alarming issue of rape in the country, urging people to speak out against such serious crimes.