Quaden Bayles' age debated on Twitter as people claim he's 18 and accuse him and his mum of scam, while some defend him

The age of Quaden Bayles is causing a stir on Twitter, with some alleging that he is 18 and accusing him and his mother of a scam, while others are defending him.

A video shared by Quaden Bayles’ mother, Yarraka Bayles, showing the young Australian boy in distress due to relentless bullying over his dwarfism, went viral, prompting a global outpouring of love and support (Read here).

After the video went viral, Quaden, who his mother claims is 9 years old, received significant support and acts of kindness, including a fundraising effort by American actor Brad Williams, who is also living with the same condition as Quaden, and an invitation to lead an All-Star Rugby team onto the field for their next match.

Amidst the immense support, some individuals on social media began stating that Quaden is actually 18, pointing to old Instagram photos allegedly showing him with money and expensive clothing, and claiming that his deleted Instagram captions indicated he was 18. This raised questions and confusion among some, leading to allegations of a possible scam.

Quaden Bayles

However, supporters of Quaden rallied on Twitter, using hashtags #HeIs9 and #IStandWithQuaden. They shared evidence, including photos and videos, to prove that Quaden is indeed 9. Some also highlighted that his mother’s initial intention was to raise awareness about bullying, not to solicit financial aid, making it unlikely that it was a scam.

Brad Williams, in response to the scam claims, reassured donors that the funds raised will be used for the intended purpose and that a team is ensuring that everything is handled legitimately.

Quaden Bayles

Various Twitter reactions have emerged, showcasing the differing opinions and support for Quaden.

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles

Quaden Bayles