Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin Shocks His Members With Lots Of Cash And Cars

The Father of Miracle Money,
Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin Surprised Members

No doubt Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin is one of the greatest friends of the poor and downtrodden within and outside Nigeria. A prophet with heart of gold that put smiles on faces of the needy, members of his church, elderly, sick, depressed gladly with a joyful heart.

Owomowomo1 recently through
his foundation, Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin Foundation (JOFF) showered millions of
naira on members of his church. He deserves to be celebrated from different
perspectives, especially at a time like this Nigerians are going through severe

During the miracle money
service, the Tireless General randomly picked two elderly women and asked them
to come out to receive a blessing. The prophet gave them #400,000 (#200, 000
each) and two tricycle popularly known as Keke Napep worth over one hundred and
fifty thousand naira (#150,000). As if that was not enough, he blessed his
personal doctor, Dr. Akure with a brand new car worth three million naira
(#3,000,000) and two hundred naira to fuel the car and also Mr. Yeso, whom the
prophet has promised to bless with a car, received the sum of two million naira
(#2,000,000) cash to go get his own car.

Mrs. Esther Philip from Kano
state, one of the beneficiaries of the keke who couldn’t contained her joy said
she came from Kano for the first time to receive healing as she couldn’t walk
properly but she got triple blessings, healing, financial support and a brand
new tricycle.

Apart from his healing and deliverance gifts, Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin walks tall in different aspects of human endeavours, touching lives positively and one of the best to ever come out of Niger Delta, Nigeria and Africa as a whole. He’s a prophet worthy of emulation from other ministers of God in order to help the poor amongst us as instructed by Jesus Christ.