Prince Harry’s Allegations Against The Sun Newspaper

Prince Harry claims The Sun newspaper paid money to unlawfully get Meghan Markle


Allegations made by Prince Harry suggest that The Sun newspaper paid a private investigator to obtain Meghan Markle’s social security number at the beginning of their relationship.

The statement, revealed on Wednesday, April 26, was part of the duke’s witness statement filed in a preliminary hearing against News Group Newspapers (NGN). In it, he also claimed that Prince William made a covert agreement with the publishers to settle his own phone hacking claim privately, aiming to avoid the possibility of appearing as a witness in a legal case.


Harry’s witness statement reveals: “The Sun (through its journalist, James Beal, who I now know regularly stalked me in the UK and abroad to places such as Jamaica) instructed an American private investigator, Danno Hanks (who has admitted to regularly carrying out work for NGN over a number of years), to obtain private information in the form of a report about my new relationship with Meghan.

“This information, which included highly sensitive details such as her social security number (and other information about her and her family), was unlawfully obtained by Mr. Hanks with the full knowledge of The Sun’s Editors.”

Harry also stated that this led to The Sun obtaining private information, which was reflected in two articles, “such as my and/or Meghan’s call records (to establish how many texts I had sent her), flight details and so on.”

According to Harry, this indicates that “unlawful activity isn’t as ‘historic’ as NGN claims,” and that the company has not changed since the phone hacking scandal resulted in the closure of the News of the World.

In response to the claims, NGN stated that it had settled with everyone it had hacked since 2012, neither denying nor accepting the allegations.


The statement reads:  “In 2012, an unreserved apology was made to all of those who had brought cases against the News of the World for voicemail interception. Since then, NGN has been paying financial damages to those with claims.

“There are a number of disputed claims still going through the civil courts some of which seek to involve The Sun. The Sun does not accept liability or make any admissions to the allegations.

“As we reach the tail end of litigation, NGN is drawing a line under disputed matters, some of which date back more than 20 years ago.”


Harry’s witness statement was filed as part of a preliminary hearing that began on 25 April, in which the publishers of The Sun attempted to have the case brought against them by Prince Harry and other claimants, including Hugh Grant, dismissed.

Prince Harry has previously made claims about deals made between the palace and The Sun newspaper, but this witness statement provided more detailed information on the matter.

He added that the late Queen Elizabeth supported his legal action against NGN, but his father, Charles (then Prince of Wales), undermined their efforts.

The case continues