President Tinubu Inaugurates National Cybercrime Centre

The official launch of the high-tech and digitalised National Cybercrime Centre by President Bola Tinubu aims to enhance the operational effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in the nation.

Delivering the president’s speech at the cybercrime centre in Abuja, the Minister of Communication, Innovation, and Digital Economy, Dr Bosun Tijani emphasized the government’s dedication to supporting the Nigerian police force through the acquisition of adequate arms, equipment, and continuous training to bolster the quantity, quality, and readiness of police personnel.

In his address, he stressed, “This administration remains steadfast in its fight against all forms of criminal activities, with cybercrimes emerging as a significant challenge. The increasing threat posed by cybercriminals, online financial fraudsters, and cyber terrorists highlights the need for effective measures to combat these destabilising activities conducted through the internet.”

He highlighted that advancements in technology, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the introduction of 5G technology have broadened the spectrum and complexity of cyber threats.

“Since 2020, Nigeria has experienced a notable uptick in the dissemination of incendiary messages and instigation of violence through social media,” the president remarked.

Tinubu outlined various strategic policies put in place by the Federal Government, including a review of the cybercrime strategy, to address the diverse range of crimes perpetrated by cybercriminals.

He reiterated the government’s commitment to enhancing social security, addressing economic and security challenges, and fostering a secure environment for foreign investments in the digital sphere.

The president urged the Inspector General of Police to maximize the facility to safeguard Nigeria’s cyberspace and utilize it to promote national development and economic growth.

“I trust that the centre will complement the efforts of the ONSA in safeguarding critical national infrastructure and monitoring online activities of entities seeking to harm our national interests,” he added.

President Tinubu called for the eradication of interagency rivalries in favor of collaborative endeavors to counter the multifaceted security threats posed by organized state actors.

Representing the Minister of Police Affairs, Ibrahim Gaidam, the Director of Police Services Department, Ibrahim Muhammad, underscored the rampant increase of criminal activities in cyberspace, especially among the youth, and lauded the Nigeria Police Force for establishing the cybercrime centre to address this menace.

Gaidam revealed the existence of an ongoing initiative called the “National Criminal Data Fusion Centre” at the NPF Headquarters, aimed at digitalizing crime data records and promoting inter-agency crime information sharing. The project is poised for commissioning pending the release of required funds for its completion.

Earlier, Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, expressed, “The NPF National Cybercrime Centre signifies our commitment to leveraging technological innovations and partnerships to tackle the rising challenges posed by cybercrimes and related offenses.”