President Bola Tinubu praises fathers as true heroes on Father’s Day

In a statement commemorating Father’s Day, President Bola Tinubu lauded fathers for their sacrificial role in shaping the future of the nation, emphasizing the significance of their resilience.

He urged fathers to maintain their dedication to molding the next generation.

President Tinubu’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, conveyed these sentiments on Father’s Day 2024.

The statement highlighted President Tinubu’s acknowledgment of fathers and paternal figures who have significantly influenced the nation’s course through their sacrifice, patience, provision, protection, presence, and guidance of the youth towards a noble path.

President Tinubu underscored the vital role fathers play in society, guiding children through life’s challenges, preparing them for the future, and instilling timeless values that transcend material wealth. He emphasized the importance of setting a personal example through discipline, integrity, service, respect, love, and loyalty to the nation.

Recognizing fathers as genuine heroes, President Tinubu praised their unwavering commitment to providing for their families amidst the trials of daily life.

He called on fathers to uphold their responsibility of positively influencing the destinies of future generations.

Father’s Day, observed on June 16, originated in the Middle Ages and gained modern significance in 1908 in West Virginia, USA, to commemorate 362 men who perished in a coal mine explosion. The day serves as a tribute to all fathers, past and present, as well as paternal figures.