Port Harcourt Airport Gates Barricaded by Women Protesters

In a repetitive occurrence, women hailing from the Ipo Community in Rivers State have once again obstructed the entry points of the Port Harcourt International Airport. They are voicing their discontent regarding the lacking power supply and inadequate amenities in the area.

Despite being the longstanding host community for the airport, the women feel they are not receiving proportionate benefits, such as access to food and educational facilities.

Arriving at the main entrance of the Omagwa airport around 7 am on Tuesday, the women expressed their grievances through various inscriptions, local dialect songs, and dances.

Among the messages on their placards were phrases like “We are entitled to fair treatment as the host community,” “Our rights as citizens must be respected,” “We demand electricity for our community,” and “Peaceful protest by Ipo women,” among others.

The demonstration led to traffic congestion as airport access was hindered, leaving numerous travelers stranded along their routes.

A spokesperson named Orinda among the protesters stated, “Back in March this year, we rallied here due to the absence of electricity and other basic necessities. Assurances were made to address the issue.

“However, no progress has been made since then. That’s why we are here now. Look at our cooking pots. We plan to remain here until our demands are met.

According to a report from PUNCH Online, a similar protest in March 2024 required the intervention of the former Chairman of Rivers Traditional Rulers Council, Sergeant Awuse, to pacify the protesters and clear the area.

Upon reaching out to the spokesperson for the State Police Command, Grace Iringe-Koko, there was no immediate update on the protest.

While Iringe-Koko vowed to investigate and respond to the query, there has been no follow-up as of the current filing time on Tuesday afternoon.

Further updates will follow…