Police arrest two vigilantes for allegedly gang-raping married woman at gunpoint in Bauchi

The Bauchi State Police Command has detained two vigilantes for supposedly gang-raping a married woman at gunpoint in Ningi Local Government Area of the state, according to SP Ahmed Mohammed Wakil, the command’s spokesperson. The suspects, Lawali Sule, 30, and Babangida Shehu, 30, both from Dogon-ruwa village, were apprehended by police detectives from Ningi Division.

“On 25th August, 2022 at about 0200hrs the two suspects conspired among themselves and stormed the house of one Alhaji Gare, all armed with Dane-gun broke into his wife’s room one Hadiza Alhaji (not real name) and asked her husband’s whereabouts, but he was not at home. Thereafter they threatened her with a gun with the view to have canal knowledge of her and she succumbed out of fear,” the statement read.

“A discreet investigation commenced in earnest. The victim was evacuated to the general hospital Ningi for medical examination and confirmed the penetration,”

“During the investigation, the suspects voluntarily confessed to the crime. The exhibits recovered from the suspects: two Dane-guns. The CP directed that the suspects be charged to court.”

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