Plateau Assembly takes action against two council chairmen

On Tuesday June 30, the Plateau state assembly suspended Isaac Kwallu and Wakdung Abbas, Chairmen of Qua’an Pan and Kanam Local Government Areas, over allegations of illegally suspending their councillors and withholding their entitlements. They were directed to hand over to their deputies in their respective councils.

The announcement was made by the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba, who stated that the Assembly had instructed the Chairmen to recall the suspended councillors and pay them their entitlements. However, the Chairmen refused to comply, leading to their suspension.

“The State Assembly had directed the Local Government Chairmen to recall the councillors of various wards which they earlier suspended in the two Local Government Areas and to pay them their entitlements but the Chairmen in question refused,” said Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba.

“We have no choice than to suspend the two Chairmen although, the Chairman of Quan-Pan complied, it wasn’t convincing.”

Philip Dasun, the House Committee Chairman on Information, addressed the media and explained that the two chairmen were invited and given directives, which they failed to obey. According to Dasun, the chairmen were directed to pay the entitlements owed to the councillors, but they did not comply.

“They were directed to pay the entitlements owed councillors but they fail to do so,” said Philip Dasun.

“In the case of Kanam, he even sacked the substantive Clerk of the House posted there by the House of Assembly Service Commission and refuse to reinstate him as directed.”