Pele, 79, is depressed and embarrassed to leave his house – Brazilian legend's son reveals

With Edinho, Pele’s son, revealing the ailing health of the 79-year-old Brazilian legend, it has been disclosed that Pele is currently experiencing depression and feels too ashamed to step out of his home. Edinho told Globoesporte about his father’s vulnerable state, stating that a hip replacement without sufficient rehabilitation has resulted in mobility issues, causing Pele to struggle with depression. This eventually led to a loss of confidence and dignity, making him feel self-conscious and reluctant to leave his house. Despite some improvements in his condition, Pele still faces significant challenges in walking and feels ashamed to be seen in public. The former striker, who will celebrate his 80th birthday in October, now relies on a frame for support due to his hip problems, and often appears in a wheelchair, feeling embarrassed by his public appearances. Notably, Pele holds the record for the most goals scored for the Brazilian national team, with 77 goals, and continues to be revered as one of the greatest footballers in history.