Struggling with Renal Cancer: A Graduate’s Journey

Struggling with Renal Cancer: A Graduate’s Journey

Meet Ayo-Owolawi Oluwafemi, a business analyst based in Lagos who has been grappling with stage two renal cancer. He opens up to TEMITOPE ADETUNJI about the profound impact of this health battle on his life and the financial challenges it has brought upon him and his family. Can you share your personal journey with us? I am Ayo-Owolawi Oluwafemi, a 30-year-old from Ile-Ife, Osun State. My tryst with renal cancer began around March 2022 when I started experiencing symptoms like blood in my urine, bleeding, and fainting spells. After several hospital visits, I received the grim diagnosis of renal cancer. How did you react upon learning about your condition? The news of my renal cancer diagnosis left me in a state of shock. A whirlwind of emotio...
Could the potential merger of PDP and LP challenge APC’s dominance in 2027?

Could the potential merger of PDP and LP challenge APC’s dominance in 2027?

Analysis by ABDULRAHMAN ZAKARIYAU on the implications of the potential merger between the Peoples Democratic Party and the Labour Party leading up to the 2027 elections. The meeting between their former presidential candidates, ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar, and Peter Obi has sparked debates. Political parties, like other pillars of democracy such as the executive, judiciary, legislature, and the Independent National Electoral Commission, play a crucial role in democratic governance. They provide platforms for like-minded individuals to mobilize and persuade voters to elect their candidates into office, thereby influencing government policies for the public good. Political parties and their leaders in this environment engage in various activities marked by intrigues, manipulations,...
Emergency Meeting Called by Abia NLC in Response to Strike

Emergency Meeting Called by Abia NLC in Response to Strike

In preparation for the indefinite strike declared by the Organised Labour starting on Monday, the Abia State chapter of the Nigerian Labour Congress has convened an emergency meeting. The Organised Labour's decision to strike was based on the Federal Government's failure to meet their demand for a minimum wage increase to N60,000. Responding on Saturday, Ogbonnaya Okoro, the chairman of Abia State NLC, stated that despite the late arrival of the strike order on Friday, the state chapter will adhere to the proper procedures by notifying the state government on Monday before participating in the strike. Okoro mentioned, "We will join the strike. Mobilization will begin over the weekend, and we will unite with others. The directive was issued late Friday night, and we will make contact o...
Labour Urges Tinubu’s Help as FG Warns of Economic Threat

Labour Urges Tinubu’s Help as FG Warns of Economic Threat

The organized labor group is calling on President Bola Tinubu to intervene personally in the ongoing negotiations regarding the minimum wage to prevent the impending indefinite strike set to begin on Monday. Meanwhile, the Federal Government has cautioned that the demand for a national minimum wage by labor could have negative effects on the economy. The organized labor had set a deadline of May 31, 2024, for the implementation of the new minimum wage. Discussions between the Federal Government and organized labor hit a roadblock on Tuesday, May 28, after the government and the Organized Private Sector raised their offers to N60,000. The government increased its initial offer of N57,000 by N3,000, making a total of N60,000. However, this offer was rejected by labor during the meeting...
The Case for Freeing Kanu According to a Former US Army Captain

The Case for Freeing Kanu According to a Former US Army Captain

Expressing his views, Retired United States Army Captain, Bishop Johnson (retd.), has emphasized the importance of political leaders and freedom fighters working towards the release of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu. Johnson has urged that Kanu deserves a political resolution that upholds justice, equity, and fairness. In a recent open letter titled “Defend Justice, Equity, Fairness for Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and Other Prisoners of Conscience,” the retired captain made his stance clear. These statements follow former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar’s call for a political solution to Kanu’s situation as well as the tragic killings of soldiers in Abia State allegedly by separatists. Nnamdi Kanu has been held in the custody of the Department of State Services since his...
Selling My Kidney: A Desperate Measure for Survival

Selling My Kidney: A Desperate Measure for Survival

Olaniyi Iyiola, a 41-year-old resident of Ondo State, shares with TEMITOPE ADETUNJI his reasons for considering selling one of his kidneys due to poverty. What do you do for a living? My name is Olaniyi Iyiola, and I work in fish and pig farming. Originally from Ondo State, I am 41 years old. Despite my skills in this field, I lack the capital to start my own business, currently leaving me unemployed. Where is your current residence? I live with my family in Ibadan. Due to financial struggles, I temporarily moved to Lagos in search of work. However, I had to return to Ibadan when one of my children fell ill. Could you explain the reasons behind your decision to consider selling a kidney as mentioned in a viral video? The de...
    Total of N8.64 Billion Spent on Travel Expenses by Tinubu and Shettima in Three Months
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    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Between January and March 2024, President Bola Tinubu, Vice President Kashim Shettima, and First Lady Remi Tinubu utilized a combined sum of at least N5.24 billion for both local and international travel.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Analysis of the travel expenses, as tracked by GovSpend, a civic tech platform monitoring the Federal Government’s expenditure, revealed that N1.35 billion was allocated for presidential trips and related costs. Additionally, N3.53 billion was spent on foreign exchange during 10 international trips, while N637.85 million was disbursed to two travel agencies for air ticket procurement for the local and foreign presidential trips.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Notably, the payments, channeled through the State House transit account, did not cover the President’s entourage estacodes. Meanwhile, an additional N12.59 billion was expended on maintaining the presidential air fleet during the same period.
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        style=" overflow: visible !important;">

    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Within six months of taking office, the President had already allocated N3.4 billion for these trips, surpassing the N2.49 billion budgeted for travel expenses in 2023 by 36%.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        This accumulation resulted in a total expenditure of N8.64 billion on local and international travels between June 2023 and March 2024. In addition, the President received N650 million as an honorarium.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Concerns from Nigerians regarding the frequency of the President’s travels persist, with calls for tangible outcomes from these trips. Tinubu and Shettima collectively visited 16 countries and spent a total of 91 days engaged in foreign activities within their first seven months in office.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Tinubu’s travels covered multiple destinations including Paris, London, Bissau, Nairobi, Porto Novo, New Delhi, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, New York, Riyadh, and Berlin, amounting to 55 days. Meanwhile, Shettima represented Tinubu in Italy, Russia, South Africa, Cuba, China, and the US, accumulating 36 days abroad in 2023.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Financial expert Olorunfemi Idris highlighted the potential benefits of presidential trips in fostering diplomatic ties, promoting national interests, and attracting foreign investments. Despite these advantages, he cautioned against the high costs that could divert funds from critical sectors like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.
    <p style="text-align: justify;">
        Professor of Economics Cletus Agu emphasized the importance of judicious expenditure and highlighted that if the spending contributes positively to the economy, it can be justified. Economist Dr. Akin Akinleye called for a review of extraneous expenses in light of the country’s economic challenges, stressing the need to prioritize activities with significant economic returns.

Total of N8.64 Billion Spent on Travel Expenses by Tinubu and Shettima in Three Months

Between January and March 2024, President Bola Tinubu, Vice President Kashim Shettima, and First Lady Remi Tinubu utilized a combined sum of at least N5.24 billion for both local and international travel.

Analysis of the travel expenses, as tracked by GovSpend, a civic tech platform monitoring the Federal Government’s expenditure, revealed that N1.35 billion was allocated for presidential trips and related costs. Additionally, N3.53 billion was spent on foreign exchange during 10 international trips, while N637.85 million was disbursed to two travel agencies for air ticket procurement for the local and foreign presidential trips.

Notably, the payments, channeled through the State House transit account, did not cover the President’s entourage estacodes. Meanwhile, an additional N12.59 billion was expended on maintaining the presidential air fleet during the same period.

Within six months of taking office, the President had already allocated N3.4 billion for these trips, surpassing the N2.49 billion budgeted for travel expenses in 2023 by 36%.

This accumulation resulted in a total expenditure of N8.64 billion on local and international travels between June 2023 and March 2024. In addition, the President received N650 million as an honorarium.

Concerns from Nigerians regarding the frequency of the President’s travels persist, with calls for tangible outcomes from these trips. Tinubu and Shettima collectively visited 16 countries and spent a total of 91 days engaged in foreign activities within their first seven months in office.

Tinubu’s travels covered multiple destinations including Paris, London, Bissau, Nairobi, Porto Novo, New Delhi, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, New York, Riyadh, and Berlin, amounting to 55 days. Meanwhile, Shettima represented Tinubu in Italy, Russia, South Africa, Cuba, China, and the US, accumulating 36 days abroad in 2023.

Financial expert Olorunfemi Idris highlighted the potential benefits of presidential trips in fostering diplomatic ties, promoting national interests, and attracting foreign investments. Despite these advantages, he cautioned against the high costs that could divert funds from critical sectors like healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

Professor of Economics Cletus Agu emphasized the importance of judicious expenditure and highlighted that if the spending contributes positively to the economy, it can be justified. Economist Dr. Akin Akinleye called for a review of extraneous expenses in light of the country’s economic challenges, stressing the need to prioritize activities with significant economic returns.

Obasanjo: Nigeria’s Situation Described as Volatile and Full of Suffering

Obasanjo: Nigeria’s Situation Described as Volatile and Full of Suffering

Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, expressed his concerns on Saturday about the increasing volatility, uncertainty, and complexity of Nigeria. He emphasized that the prevailing insecurity has turned the country into a dangerous place, characterized by immense suffering and hunger. Obasanjo highlighted the urgent need for leadership to fulfill its responsibilities in order to create a better future for all Nigerians. These remarks were made in Lagos during the Africa Methodist Council Heads of Conference Summit and Women’s Movement Leadership Summit, where he served as the Chairman of the public lecture. The lecture titled 'Leadership in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambi...
Sugar substitute: Stevia (2)

Sugar substitute: Stevia (2)

The United States Food and Drug Administration does not recognize raw or whole stevia like your homegrown Stevia; they only approve the highly purified steviol glycosides from stevia leaves as safe for use, known as “generally recognized as safe.” However, the approved forms are increasingly found to contain counterfeit ingredients, primarily artificial sweeteners linked to known health risks. This raises concerns about their safety. Recently, I have been receiving inquiries from readers interested in growing Stevia plants at home. It is encouraging to see people prioritizing their health. This week, we will delve into the comparison of the safety of homegrown Stevia versus store-bought options, supported by relevant research studies. Reflecting on a past experience of pu...
Coach Dreh Finds Inspiration in Friend’s Suicide Attempt for Swimming Across Lagos Lagoon

Coach Dreh Finds Inspiration in Friend’s Suicide Attempt for Swimming Across Lagos Lagoon

Samuel Akinrodoye, also known as Coach Dreh, is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Ocean28 Swimming Academy. He shares with ABDULLATEEF FOWEWE how a friend's suicide attempt motivated him to swim across the Lagos lagoon to raise awareness about mental health. What Inspired Your Decision to Swim Across the Lagoon? Originally coming from a privileged background, I struggled to find my passions until I discovered swimming. It became my solace and identity. A friend's battle with suicidal thoughts due to life's challenges heightened my awareness of mental health issues in society. This spurred me to use swimming as a platform to advocate against the silence surrounding mental health problems. How Has Your Family Supported Your Endeavors? My family, particula...