Sex Affair Hits Australian Government

Sex Affair Hits Australian Government

Sex Affair Hits Australian Government The centre-right government of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been thrown into turmoil after the revelations that his deputy has been entangled in an extra-marital affair, straining the alliance between his Liberal Party and the National Party of Barnaby Joyce. Joyce will take a break next week rather than step in for the country’s leader while the PM is away, as a poll shows his popularity plummeting since admitting to a sex affair with a former staffer. Joyce, a Catholic who campaigned on “family values” and been married for 24 years, is expecting a child with his former press secretary. Joyce has so far resisted calls to quit either his seat or his cabinet spot, including a motion that passed the Senate calling for his resigna...
Meet “Cyril Ramaphosa” The New South African President

Meet “Cyril Ramaphosa” The New South African President

Meet “Cyril Ramaphosa” The New South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has become South Africa’s president after embattled leader Jacob Zuma resigned. Former embattled South African president, Jacob Zuma, resigned from his post just yesterday over corruption allegations. Just some few hours after his resignation, the ruling ANC has announced Cyril Ramaphosa as the new president of the country. Cyril Ramaphosa was the only candidate nominated in parliament on Thursday and the announcement was welcomed by singing in the National Assembly. The ANC had told Mr Zuma to step down or face a vote of no-confidence. [irp] In a televised statement he said he was quitting with immediate effect but said he disagreed with the party’s decision. Mr Zuma faces numerous corruption allegations but den...
Truck Kills 2 Persons Celebrating Valentine in Akwa Ibom State [Graphic Photos]

Truck Kills 2 Persons Celebrating Valentine in Akwa Ibom State [Graphic Photos]

Black Valentine Day: Truck Kills 2 Persons Celebrating Valentine in Akwa Ibom State [Graphic Photos] No fewer than two persons have been confirmed dead in a fatal accident at Nung Udoe Itak, one of the valentine venue in Ikono Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. It was learnt that the incident occurred when a rampaging truck ran into some people, leaving behind some casualties. May the souls of the departed rest in peace.
Another JAMB Official Gives Bizarre Reason After N23m Couldn’t Be Accounted For

Another JAMB Official Gives Bizarre Reason After N23m Couldn’t Be Accounted For

Another JAMB Official Gives Bizarre Reason After N23m Couldn’t Be Accounted For A few days after the bizarre report that a snake ‘swallowed’ about N36 million from the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board’s vault in Benue State, another state co-ordinator of the board in Nassarawa state has come up with a rather strange story to back an alleged fraud. This time, JAMB staffer, Labaran Tanko, said his car got burnt and in the process scratch cards worth N23 million were destroyed in the inferno. However, not impressed, as in the case of the Benue saga, the board, reacting through its registrar, dismissed Mr. Tanko’s claims. The board said after a thorough investigation, it discovered that the cards which reportedly burnt alongside Mr. Tanko’s car were used by students in Nassarawa ...
Kogi Best Senator, Dino Melaye Spotted In Red And White On Valentine’s Day

Kogi Best Senator, Dino Melaye Spotted In Red And White On Valentine’s Day

Kogi Best Senator, Dino Melaye Spotted In Red And White On Valentine’s Day Today is Valentine’s day and million of lovers across the world chose the day to celebrate love. And surprisingly, even the lawmakers in Nigeria are not exempted as Senators Dino Melaye and Remi Tinubu appeared at the plenary in the ‘love colour.’ Senators Dino Melaye (Kogi-West) and Remi Tinubu ( Lagos-Central) wore a touch of red to reflect the Valentine’s Day mood. Melaye was dressed in red jacket, black pants and black bow tie; while Tinubu was in a black gown made of Ankara fabric with patches of rose together with a red scarf. The two senators were spotted together in a conversation with the Senate President Bukola Saraki and from the gesture of the senate president, it looked as if he was giving a com...
After Result Of Lady That Took Injection In Order To Increase The Size Of Buttocks [Photos]

After Result Of Lady That Took Injection In Order To Increase The Size Of Buttocks [Photos]

After Result Of Lady That Took Injection In Order To Increase The Size Of Buttocks [Photos] Oh dear! For real? This was shared on Twitter by Onyekachi (@its_roi). More photos below. Previous article63 Year Old Grandmother, Who Went For A Breast Reduction Is Left With No Nipples After Surgery [Photos]Next articleMind Your Own Business, Ortom Tells Lalong
63 Year Old Grandmother, Who Went For A Breast Reduction Is Left With No Nipples After Surgery [Photos]

63 Year Old Grandmother, Who Went For A Breast Reduction Is Left With No Nipples After Surgery [Photos]

63 Year Old Grandmother, Who Went For A Breast Reduction Is Left With No Nipples After Surgery [Photos] A grand ma says she was “disfigured and depressed” after being operated on by a Turkish surgeon. Elaine Hume, 63, was left with no nipples and holes in her breasts after a £1,500 breast reduction. When she returned to the clinic to have her breasts reconstructed, she claims she was persuaded to have face fillers and during that procedure Dr Mehmet Kaya performed an eye lift, which she had not consented to. She said: “I’ve been left with lumps in my right eye and I have a droop on the side of my mouth.” She booked the breast reduction after finding out about the doctor while on holiday in Marmaris, Turkey. She was discharged the day after the op and told to remove the bandages he...
“Say The Truth and Die, Hide The Truth and Die, I Will Not Stop Criticizing the Federal Government, I’m Not Afraid of Prison’

“Say The Truth and Die, Hide The Truth and Die, I Will Not Stop Criticizing the Federal Government, I’m Not Afraid of Prison’

“Say The Truth and Die, Hide The Truth and Die, I Will Not Stop Criticizing the Federal Government, I’m Not Afraid of Prison’ – Senator Dino Melaye Blows Hot! [Video] In the wake of his upcoming arraignment in court for allegedly feeding the Nigerian police false information on attempted assasination on his life, Senator Dino Melaye in a very passionate video at plenary yesterday said he won’t stop speaking out against the Federal Government. [irp] In his words, ‘If this arraignment is to stop me from criticising the federal government, they have made a capital compound mistake. I shall continue to speak, I shall continue to ask questions, I shall continue to criticise any public officer including the President of the Federal republic of Nigeria’. He continued to say, ‘I have con...
23 People Dead As School Bus Carrying Students For Excursion Crash [Photos]

23 People Dead As School Bus Carrying Students For Excursion Crash [Photos]

Blood Flows Like a River: 23 People Dead As School Bus Carrying Students For Excursion Crash [Photos] Not less than  22 secondary school students died on Tuesday in the road accident which happened in Gaya local government area of Kano state According reports, at least 20 students and four teachers of the Government Junior Secondary school student died as their school bus was involved in a road accident. A school bus carrying some students and academic staff From Government Day Secondary School in Misau, Bauchi state had an accident on their Way to Kano for excursion at Arewa24 TV station. According to a report by Abdulhadi Garban Malam, almost all the students and teachers lost their lives – with many seriously injured. The Kano command of the Nigeria police confirmed the accide...
Randy Man, arrested for Raping a Donkey till It Lost Consciousness Shows Police How He Did It [Video]

Randy Man, arrested for Raping a Donkey till It Lost Consciousness Shows Police How He Did It [Video]

Randy Man, arrested for Raping a Donkey till It Lost Consciousness Shows Police How He Did It [Video] Police officers in the video were heard in the background, asking the arrested sex-starved middle aged man questions on the allegation A yet to be identified Zimbabwean man, in a recording at a Zimbabwean Police Station admitted to raping a donkey till it lost consciousness. Police officers in the video were heard in the background, asking the arrested sex-starved middle aged man questions on the allegation that he raped the donkey till it lost consciousness. At some point during the interrogation, the man showed the police officers how he raped the donkey. Here’s the video below;