“Nothing On Earth Will Stop My In-Law from Succeeding Me as The Next Governor of Imo State” Rochas Okorocha Blows Hot

“Nothing On Earth Will Stop My In-Law from Succeeding Me as The Next Governor of Imo State” Rochas Okorocha Blows Hot

“Nothing On Earth Will Stop My In-Law from Succeeding Me as The Next Governor of Imo State” Rochas Okorocha Blows Hot Imo state governor, Rochas Okorocha, says nothing will stop his son-in-law, Uche Nwosu, from succeeding him as he has already been “ordained by God” and supported by 24 out of the 27 local government areas in the state. [irp] Governor Okorocha said this in a statement released by his Chief Press Secretary, Sam Onwuemeodo. Okorocha was reacting to claims that his son-in-law, who is his chief of staff, supervised the assault on the Catholic Archbishop of Owerri, Most Rev. Anthony Obinna, at a funeral in the state over the weekend. There were reports online that Nwosu had led other APC members to the funeral where they attacked the clergyman who spoke against his politi...
10 Health Benefits of Mangos, Number 5 Will Blow Your Mind

10 Health Benefits of Mangos, Number 5 Will Blow Your Mind

10 Health Benefits of Mangos, Number 5 Will Blow Your Mind Discover how the “king of fruits” can help you, plus fascinating trivia and a few mango cautions and concerns. Health Benefits Prevents Cancer: Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes. click next page below to continue reading;
Senator Sabi Abdullahi Reveals Why He Wants Perpetrators of Hate Speech Killed

Senator Sabi Abdullahi Reveals Why He Wants Perpetrators of Hate Speech Killed

Senator Sabi Abdullahi Reveals Why He Wants Perpetrators of Hate Speech Killed Senator Sabi Abdullahi, a Nigerian lawmaker representing Niger North senatorial District in the red chamber, in a chat with Premium Times, disclosed why he sponsored a bill for the establishment of Independent National Commission for Hate Speeches, and why a penalty of death sentence was included in the bill. According to Senator Sabi Abdullahi, it is very clear in the Nigerian constitution that if someone’s action results in the death of another, the penalty is death by hanging. “The issue there is that why not death penalty when you are responsible for deaths of other people? . After all, our present law says if you do anything that result in the death of another person and it is proven beyond reasonabl...
Vigilante Group in Anambra, Arrests Man Who Killed His Father and Stabbed His Mother

Vigilante Group in Anambra, Arrests Man Who Killed His Father and Stabbed His Mother

Vigilante Group in Anambra, Arrests Man Who Killed His Father and Stabbed His Mother A Vigilante group in Ezimuku, Agbaja in Abatete area of Anambra state, reportedly arrested a young man who killed his own father and stabbed his mother in a tragic incident that happened this morning. Though why the young man made his father and mother the victims of his killing spree was not ascertained, however operatives of Abatete vigilante group handcuffed him before handing him over to the police. Here are photos below; This report is coming after a middle aged man on Saturday last week, stabbed his four children and sister in-law to death in Awada Area of Onitsha, Anambra State. The incident, which happened at No 18 Ntueke Street, Awada at about 8pm drew scores of sympathizers to the scene,...
Nigerian University student develops cure for breast cancer

Nigerian University student develops cure for breast cancer

Nigerian University student develops cure for breast cancer A female student of the African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Sandra Musujusu, has developed an alternative treatment for breast cancer. [irp] The scientific breakthrough might lead to a lasting solution in the treatment of breast cancer prevalent among women world over. This was made known on Tuesday in Abuja when the World Bank Education Director, Dr Jaime Saavedra Chanduvi with his team visited the University as part of his assessment tour of the 10 African Centres of Excellence (ACE) centres. The World Bank has committed about $10 billion for the ACE project in Nigeria, as part of efforts to encourage conduct of cutting-edge research and specialisation of the beneficiaries institutions in specific develop...
Buhari’s 20-Year-Old Nephew, Sabiu Yusuf Tunde, Is A Billionaire – Junaid Mohammed

Buhari’s 20-Year-Old Nephew, Sabiu Yusuf Tunde, Is A Billionaire – Junaid Mohammed

Buhari’s 20-Year-Old Nephew, Sabiu Yusuf Tunde, Is A Billionaire – Junaid Mohammed Kano State-based politician and social critic, Dr Junaid Mohammed has reiterated his claim of nepotism against President Muhammadu Buhari. In a recent interview with The Guardian, Mohammed, a Second Republic lawmaker, accused the president of surrounding himself with unqualified persons who only got their positions because of personal ties with him or his cronies. He identified one of the persons with personal ties with the president who is presently in his government as Personal Assistant to the President, Sabiu Yusuf Tunde, who is the son of the president’s niece and younger sister to Mamman Daura, the president’s closest confidant. According to Mohammed, Tunde, who is in his 20s, had never worked ...
Man Mysteriously Died On Top of Palm Tree While Tapping Palm Wine in Imo State [Photos]

Man Mysteriously Died On Top of Palm Tree While Tapping Palm Wine in Imo State [Photos]

Man Mysteriously Died On Top of Palm Tree While Tapping Palm Wine in Imo State [Photos] Tragedy has befallen the people of Umuocha Ohuba-Ubomiri in the Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State as a palm wine tapper simply identified as Njoku, was on Thursday found dead on top a palm tree. A villager, Iheanyi Enwerem, told Southern City News that the deceased had left his house early in the morning for his daily palm wine tapping business. The villager, who was visibly shocked by the development, disclosed that as of the time Njoku left his house, there was no sign that he wouldn’t return alive. “He left his house very early in the morning for his daily palm wine tapping business. He was strong and never showed any sign that he would die. “When he did not return on time, his fa...
75 Important Facts You Don’t Know About Pastor Enoch Adeboye as He Turns 76

75 Important Facts You Don’t Know About Pastor Enoch Adeboye as He Turns 76

75 Important Facts You Don’t Know About Pastor Enoch Adeboye as He Turns 76 The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye is celebrating his 76th birthday today. He was born on the 2nd of March 1942. The esteemed man of God has already received several congratulatory messages from loved ones and church members all over the world including President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria. Here are 75 quick facts about him you should know about: He was born on 2nd March, 1942. He hails from Ifewara, Osun state. He came from a very poor family; he never wears shoes until he was 18. Got admitted to Ilesha Grammar School in 1956. He got Bsc in Mathematics from the University of Ife in 1967. Bagged Masters degree in Hydrodynamics in 1969 from the University of La...
25 Powerful Health Benefits Of Eating Banana, Number 10 Will Blow Your Mind

25 Powerful Health Benefits Of Eating Banana, Number 10 Will Blow Your Mind

25 Powerful Health Benefits Of Eating Banana, Number 10 Will Blow Your Mind You’ll never look at the humble banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet. They can help to combat depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and blindness. Plus they can even cure the itch of a mosquito bite and put a great shine on your shoes. click next page below to continue;
Daddy Freeze criticizes House on the Rock church billboard

Daddy Freeze criticizes House on the Rock church billboard

Daddy Freeze criticizes House on the Rock church billboard Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze who always finds fault in what Nigerian pastors do, has come again and this time, the Free The Sheeple Movement leader is criticizing the billboard of House on The Rock Church that was erected on the Island part of Lagos. According to Daddy Freeze, the House on the Rock Billboard connotes nothing that represents Christ. In his own opinion, he believes the Billboard is more like a business advert and not proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He posted the photo of the Billboard on Instagram ad then captioned it with a lengthy post to enlighten his followers: “Disappearing post! – How did we get here? Take a look at this church billboard advertising a church. The words ‘Jesus’, ‘Chr...