'Tacha’s Reaction to Cynthia Morgan Accusations Against Jude Okoye: Sheer Wickedness'

'Tacha’s Reaction to Cynthia Morgan Accusations Against Jude Okoye: Sheer Wickedness'

Former BBNaija housemate, Tacha, has shared her thoughts on Cynthia Morgan's accusations against Jude Okoye, the CEO of her former record label 'Northside Records', regarding her career misfortune.   In an Instalive session, Cynthia Morgan revealed that she lost her stage name, Instagram account, VEVO account, and royalties after her fallout with Jude Okoye. Read previous post here   Tacha took to Twitter to express her reaction, condemning what Jude Okoye allegedly did to Cynthia as 'vile' and emphasized that it shouldn't be 'overlooked.'   She also lamented the challenges faced by female artists in the music industry.   See her full post below.      
While with Psquare, I had to share a room with their driver and cook even though there was an empty duplex – May D

While with Psquare, I had to share a room with their driver and cook even though there was an empty duplex – May D

May D recently recounted his experience with the now-defunct Psquare music group. His revelation comes shortly after Cynthia Morgan spoke out about losing everything she earned from music to Jude Okoye as a result of her contract with his record label, Northside Music Group. In a series of tweets, May D addressed accusations of ingratitude and claimed that he was never compensated for his contributions to Psquare, including songwriting and vocal input on their "Invasion" album. Additionally, he disclosed that he did not have a bank account during his time with Square Records, which was owned by Psquare. Despite an empty twin duplex, he was required to share a room with their driver and cook. May D's tweets on the subject have sparked conversation and shed light on the inner workings of ...
Allegations against Cynthia Morgan: Ex-manager Joy Tongo accuses her of using online sympathy and owes huge sums

Allegations against Cynthia Morgan: Ex-manager Joy Tongo accuses her of using online sympathy and owes huge sums

Joy Tongo, Cynthia Morgan's former manager, took to Twitter and Instagram to criticize the dancehall musician following an interview in which Cynthia blamed Jude Okoye for her career struggles. In an Instagram Live chat with former Miss Globe Nigeria, Cassandra Ogbebor, Cynthia Morgan discussed the issues she faced after signing with Northside Entertainment, owned by P Square's older brother, Jude 'Engees' Okoye (read here). She revealed losing her stage name "Cynthia Morgan," VEVO account, royalties, Instagram account, and more due to her contract with the record label. Cynthia, now using the stage name Madrina, explained how she was unable to use the name Cynthia Morgan for business purposes due to the contract, leading to depression and a life-threatening illness. She also ha...
Former Manager Accuses Cynthia Morgan of Seeking Sympathy Online

Former Manager Accuses Cynthia Morgan of Seeking Sympathy Online

Joy Tongo, Cynthia Morgan's former manager, has taken to Twitter and Instagram to criticize the dancehall musician following an interview where she blamed Jude Okoye for her career troubles.   In an Instagram Live chat with former Miss Globe Nigeria, Cassandra Ogbebor, Cynthia Morgan discussed the record label issues she faced after signing to Northside Entertainment, owned by Jude 'Engees' Okoye (read here).   Cynthia revealed how she lost her stage name "Cynthia Morgan", her VEVO account, royalties, her Instagram account, and other belongings due to the contract she signed with the record label.   Cynthia, now known as Madrina, mentioned that she is unable to use the name Cynthia Morgan for business purposes due to th...
Victor Osimhen, Striker for the Super Eagles, Mourns the Loss of His Father

Victor Osimhen, Striker for the Super Eagles, Mourns the Loss of His Father

Nigerian Super Eagles striker Victor Osimhen, who currently plays for the French Ligue 1 club Lille, has sadly lost his father, Patrick Osimhen, to death.   At the young age of 21, the football sensation confirmed his father's passing in a heartfelt Twitter post on the morning of Sunday, May 24. He expressed his emotions by writing: "RIP DAD. No words to describe this feeling."   😭😭💔 pic.twitter.com/YRA9LCdtUh — victor osimhen (@victorosimhen9) May 24, 2020
Good News from Oyo State: 9 Coronavirus Patients Have Been Discharged

Good News from Oyo State: 9 Coronavirus Patients Have Been Discharged

Following their recovery from the disease, the Oyo state government has announced the discharge of 9 Coronavirus patients in the state. According to Governor Seyi Makinde, who shared the news on Twitter, the discharged patients received their second negative medical test results. This development brings the total number of recovered Coronavirus patients in the state to 58. Makinde also confirmed the emergence of 30 new cases of Coronavirus in the state. Among the new cases, 27 are employees of iSON Xperiences, while there is one case each in Ibadan South West, Ibadan South East, and Oluyole Local Government Areas. This brings the total number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in the state to 233. He stated; 1. Nine confirmed COVI...
Woman narrates how she got 20k from a stranger after she helped a needy woman with 200 Naira

Woman narrates how she got 20k from a stranger after she helped a needy woman with 200 Naira

A Twitter user shared a story of how she received 20,000 Naira from a stranger on Instagram, just hours after helping an old woman who needed 200 Naira to pay her bus fare. While on a bus, the woman witnessed the conductor embarrassing a passenger who couldn't afford the full fare. She intervened by paying the woman's fare after the conductor asked her to leave the bus. Shortly after her act of kindness, a "random person" on Instagram reached out to her, expressing that he wanted nothing from her except to bring a smile to her face. He then requested her account number and transferred 20,000 Naira to her. The story details the woman's heartwarming experience and the unexpected reward she received.
Burna Boy's neighbours call in police officers to arrest him and his father (videos)

Burna Boy's neighbours call in police officers to arrest him and his father (videos)

Burna Boy's neighbours call in police officers to arrest him and his father (videos) Police officers were called in by Burna Boy's neighbours to arrest him and his father due to noise in the neighborhood. The singer's neighbors compared him to Jude Ighalo, who lives close by, and alleged that Burna Boy has not made complete payment for the land he built his house on, claiming he owes N100m. Below is a video capturing the confrontation: View this post on Instagram Burna Boy’s Neighbours call in police officers to arrest him and his father over noise A post shared by...
Mental health consultant shares her story of having twin sons after being raped at 15; one of the sons responds

Mental health consultant shares her story of having twin sons after being raped at 15; one of the sons responds

On their 21st birthday, a mental health consultant took to Twitter to celebrate her twin sons by narrating how she had them through rape.   Mmanti Umoh revealed that she became pregnant at 15 after her employer raped her. Despite not knowing how, she later gave birth to Kanka and Dada and raised them.   She shared that she overcame the trauma and "refused to be a statistic".   Additionally, she encouraged rape victims to lead fulfilling lives.   Following the sharing of her story, one of her twin sons responded to thank her for her sacrifices.      
Mental health consultant’s inspiring story of raising twin sons after being raped at 15

Mental health consultant’s inspiring story of raising twin sons after being raped at 15

A mental health consultant shared a touching story on Twitter as she celebrated her twin sons' 21st birthday. She recounted how she became pregnant at 15 after being raped by her employer. Despite the traumatic experience, she gave birth to Kanka and Dada and raised them against all odds.   Mmanti Umoh revealed that she refused to be defined by the trauma and instead chose to move forward, defying the odds and finding strength within herself.   She also offered words of encouragement to other rape survivors, urging them to live a full life beyond their harrowing experiences.   In response to her heartfelt story, one of her twin sons expressed gratitude and appreciation for her sacrifices as a mother.   For the full thread, see below:       ...