Over 11,900 Confirmed COVID-19 Cases and 608 Deaths in Africa, Reports WHO

The latest data from the World Health Organization indicates that the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in Africa has surpassed 11,900.

According to the WHO’s recent report, Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, has fewer cases compared to less populated countries such as South Africa, Algeria, and Cameroon, which continue to rank highest among the countries reporting the highest number of cases. The countries with the second-lowest confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Africa are Gambia, with four cases and one death, and Sao Tome, which has reported zero deaths from four cases.

The official Twitter account of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa, @WHOAFRO, announced the latest statistics on Friday, stating, “COVID19 cases in Africa rise to over 11,900 – with 1,586 recoveries and 608 deaths reported.”


 COVID-19 cases in Africa rise to over 11,900 with 608 deaths ? WHO