Outrage Sparked by Paula White’s Prayer to Jesus Christ to ‘Command All Satanic Pregnancies to Miscarry’

Prayers led by Pastor Paula White, 53, a close associate of President Donald Trump for 18 years, have triggered outrage. In a sermon, she prayed for Jesus Christ to intervene and ‘command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now.’


In her controversial sermon, she also prayed against forces that could potentially harm the president. With closed eyes, she stated: ‘We come against the marine kingdom, we come against the animal kingdom.’


She also condemned ‘any hex, any spell, any witchcraft, any spirit of control, any Jezebel,’ and ‘anything that the enemy desires through spells.’



A video of the January 5 sermon was shared on Twitter by the liberal advocacy group Right Wing Watch, prompting a series of criticism from various quarters.


James Martin, a prominent Jesuit priest, condemned her over the prayer, stating: ‘No pregnancies are satanic. Every child is a gift from God.’


‘No one should ever pray for any woman to miscarry. No one should ever pray for evil or harm to befall another person. 


‘Jesus asked us to pray for our persecutors, not to curse them. To love our neighbors as ourselves.’


White has defended herself, claiming she was only speaking in ‘metaphors’ and was praying for evil plans to be foiled in the lives of her congregants.


She tweeted: ‘I don’t normally respond but clearly this has been taken out of context. I was praying (Ephesians) 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. 


‘Anything that has been conceived by demonic plans, for it to be cancelled and not prevail in your life …’