Outburst from Ogun Senator, Calls for Transparency in Senate Proceedings

A dramatic scene unfolded on Tuesday in the Red Chamber just before the start of the plenary at around 11 am as the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Sen Olamileken Adeola from Ogun West, entered the chamber in a visibly upset state, insisting loudly, “No closed door, let’s do it open.”

Senator Abdul Ningi had previously accused the National Assembly of padding the 2024 budget with a staggering sum of N3 trillion during a press conference on Monday.

In his defense, Senator Ningi clarified that he did not accuse the President of running two budgets, but rather pointed out that there was an unaccounted N3.7 trillion still in question.

He emphasized, “At no time did I mention that Bola Ahmed Tinubu is managing two budgets. The fact remains that there is an unverified N3 trillion within the budget.”

Senator Ningi further elaborated, “We have ascertained N3 trillion within the budget, but its specific allocation and utilization remain unknown.”

He went on to explain, “Our ongoing budget assessment revealed discrepancies. The Northern Senators Forum’s intention was to discuss our findings with the Senate President and subsequently with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.”

In response, the Appropriation Committee of the National Assembly had approved an allocation of N22.7 trillion for the 2024 fiscal year.

Senator Adeola had initially scheduled a press conference on Sunday but deferred it, opting to address the issue within the Senate using internal legislative procedures.

Speaking to reporters, Adeola justified this decision by stating that since the budget padding allegations came from a fellow Senator involved in the budget process, the appropriate forum for a response was the Senate Chamber on Tuesday.

He expressed, “Numerous Senators from all six geo-political zones are here with me to address the claims made over the weekend regarding two versions of the 2024 budget. We have decided to follow established procedures in handling such an issue involving an insider, shifting our reaction to the Senate Chamber on Tuesday, after which we will provide detailed briefings to journalists.”

Origin of the Dispute

Senator Ningi had alleged in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (Hausa Service) on Saturday that the budget passed by the National Assembly for the 2024 fiscal year amounted to N25 trillion, whereas the Presidency was operating with N28.7 trillion.

He was quoted saying, “For the first time in Nigerian history, we are witnessing the operation of two distinct budgets. One approved by the National Assembly and signed by President Bola Tinubu, and another implemented by the Presidency.”

Senator Ningi highlighted, “Our approved budget stands at ₦25 trillion while the Federal Government is operating with ₦28 trillion.”

He added, “It appears that ₦3 trillion was irregularly included in the budget for projects lacking identified locations, representing unprecedented padding overseen by Senator Akpabio.”

Senator Ningi affirmed, “As elected Representatives, we have resolved to approach President Tinubu with factual evidence on this matter and subsequently take appropriate actions.”

He urged patience from Nigerians, emphasizing the national significance of the issue transcending political, ethnic, or religious affiliations.

Contradicting Claims

In response to Senator Ningi’s allegations, the Senate’s spokesperson, Yemi Adaramodu from Ekiti South, categorically denied the existence of any budget padding, reiterating that the budget approval process was transparent and the allocated funds would be judiciously utilized under strict legislative oversight.

Senator Adaramodu stressed, “There is no evidence of budget padding within the Senate or National Assembly. The 2024 budget was publicly presented and approved, with no clandestine variations recognized.”

He continued, “Any deviations would have been promptly addressed by the Senate. Rest assured, there is no budget padding, and we remain committed to executing the 2024 appropriation law with diligence.”

Senate Facing Turmoil

Following Ningi’s press conference alleging N3 trillion in padding, fellow lawmakers criticized his claims.

During a subsequent press conference, Jimoh Ibrahim, the Ondo South representative, expressed his intention to legally pursue Ningi for disseminating false information and besmirching the Senate’s reputation.

Ibrahim declared, “Ningi’s statements are disgraceful. As the 10th Senate, we cannot ignore such allegations.”

He reiterated, “There was only one budget approved for 2024 by the Senate. We did not authorize two budgets, and the Presidency cannot function with dual financial plans.”

Ibrahim vowed to petition the Inspector General of Police to investigate Ningi for potential criminal charges related to misinformation and incitement of unrest.

He warned, “If the Senate fails to act within a week, I will personally escalate the matter to ensure accountability in how the appropriations were approved and implemented.”

Ibrahim concluded, “The defamation caused by Senator Ningi’s unfounded claims requires legal action to uphold the integrity of our institutions.”

Despite Ningi’s subsequent clarification through a press statement, Ibrahim deemed it inadequate and insisted on formal apologies following the damage caused.

He emphasized, “Sen Ningi may have attempted to rectify his error, but reconciliation should be pursued through appropriate channels.”

Senator Feud Continues

As the Senate grapples with internal strife sparked by budget controversy, the resolution of this dispute remains uncertain as opposing factions stand their ground.

While the Senate leadership maintains the integrity of the appropriations process, dissenting voices demand accountability and transparency in budgetary proceedings to restore public trust in the legislative body.

Senator Ningi should have apologized to the Senate and his colleagues instead of going to the press.
The Hausa language is considered the clearest language in Nigeria, and with 109 people in the Senate, it is not feasible to claim misquotation.
Before Senator Ningi spoke to the BBC, he had already brought the same falsehood to the Senate President about two approved budgets.
Some senators belonging to the Northern Senators Forum have refuted Senator Ningi’s assertions.
A statement signed by lawmakers from various Northern zones expressed their involvement in passing the budget and refuted any attempts to discredit their joint efforts.
Senator Ningi’s claims seem to have divided the Northern caucus.
The lawmakers clarified that Senator Ningi’s views on the 2024 budget were solely his own and did not reflect the stance of the Northern Senators Forum.
They mentioned that there was no mandate given to Senator Ningi to address the press regarding the budget issue.
The budget, presented by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, was diligently debated and passed by both chambers of the National Assembly.
The Northern Senators disagreed with Senator Ningi’s statements about the budget figures and emphasized their support for the President.
They distanced themselves from Senator Ningi’s actions, stating it was unparliamentary.
The Northern Senators expressed their solidarity with President Tinubu and pledged to work together with colleagues from the southern part of Nigeria for the country’s progress.
Notable signatories to the statement include Senator Jibrin Isah (APC, Kogi East) and Senator Abdulaziz Yar’ Adua (PDP, Katsina Central).