Operation Delta Safe: NAF attacks six illegal oil refineries in Rivers

On December 23, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) revealed that the Air Component of Operation Delta Safe had destroyed six illegal oil refining sites in Opu Arugbana, located in the Degema Local Government Area of Rivers. This was disclosed in a statement by Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet, the Director of Public Relations and Information of NAF, in Abuja on Tuesday.

Gabkwet stated that the air strikes were part of the ongoing efforts to eliminate the activities of oil thieves and pipeline vandals in the Niger Delta region. The illegal sites were identified within a close proximity, approximately 80 meters, at a location about 6 nautical miles south of Opu Arugbana. After confirming their active status, authorization was granted to destroy the six sites, effectively deterring the criminals from continuing their illegal activities.

“Despite the festive season, air operations against criminals in the Niger Delta and other parts of the country continue unabated,” Gabkwet added.

Meanwhile, Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar, the Chief of Air Staff, commended the efforts of the Air Component Commanders in all theatres of operation. He spent Christmas Day with the troops in the Northeast and is currently in Katsina to support the troops, urging them to persist until criminal activities are minimized