Omar Touray’s Appeal for Unity to Combat Insecurity

The importance of unity among member states as a crucial measure to end insecurity in the West African region was stressed by Omar Touray, the President of the Economic Community of West African States Commission.

During the celebration of ECOWAS’ 49th anniversary themed ‘Strengthening Regional Unity, Peace, and Security,’ Touray made these remarks on Tuesday.

Emphasizing that regional unity is vital for maintaining peace and security, Touray pointed out that these were fundamental objectives set forth by the commission’s founding fathers.

Reflecting on ECOWAS’ history, Touray highlighted that the organization was established by the Founding Fathers 49 years ago with the aim to unite the people of West Africa around the common ideals of shared prosperity.

He stressed, “These are goals that the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government strive to defend daily as they work towards ensuring the security of our people and protecting the integrity of our territories.”

Expressing concerns, Touray cautioned that the dissolution of the bloc would be incomprehensible and unforgivable to past, present, and future generations.

“Exactly 49 years ago, the Founding Fathers signed the treaty establishing the Economic Community of West African States. Since then, ECOWAS has served the region by continuously uniting our people around the common ideals of shared prosperity.

“It is evident that maintaining our unity is crucial for success in combating insecurity. However, our unity is now under threat. It is imperative that we take all necessary steps to uphold our unity.

“We believe that through unity, we can preserve peace and enhance our efforts in ensuring the security of our member states and people.”

Highlighting ECOWAS’ accomplishments in promoting free movement, intra-community trade, regional energy, and transport infrastructure, as well as governance, and peace and security, Touray also acknowledged the persistent challenge of insecurity, with some member states grappling with daily attacks by terrorist groups, leading to displacement and food insecurity in the region.

“Despite the numerous achievements of ECOWAS, the community continues to face several hurdles. Insecurity remains a threat to our region as we commemorate our 49th anniversary. Some of our member states are engaged in daily battles against terrorist groups, causing displacement and food insecurity for a significant portion of our population.

“As we mark the 49th anniversary of ECOWAS, let us reflect on the tangible and positive outcomes that the community has achieved. These accomplishments are evident in various aspects such as the free movement of our people, intra-community trade, regional energy, and transport infrastructure, governance, as well as peace and security.

“We remain confident that together, we can build upon these achievements and realize the goals outlined in our Vision 2050 of creating a fully integrated community of peoples in a peaceful and prosperous region with strong institutions that uphold fundamental freedoms and strive for inclusive and sustainable development,” he added.

ECOWAS, widely regarded as the top political and regional authority in West Africa, is a 15-nation bloc formed in 1975 to foster economic integration among member states. However, the organization has encountered challenges in recent years, particularly with the surge of military coups in the region, including in Mali in 2020 and 2021, Burkina Faso in 2022, and Niger last year.

Regrettably, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger announced their withdrawal from ECOWAS on Sunday, January 28, 2024, forming the Alliance of Sahel States.

The three countries, currently under military rule, justified their exit from ECOWAS in a joint statement citing the regional body’s alleged deviation from the ideals of its founding fathers and pan-Africanism.

Subsequently, ECOWAS imposed sanctions on the trio, which were later lifted in February 2024 following the intervention of Nigeria’s former military head of state, Gen. Yakubu Gowon.

Touray affirmed that these decisions were made in the interest of unity and security in the African sub-region.