Oluwo of Iwo issues spiritual warrant of arrest for Coronavirus (video)

The Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale Akanbi, has issued a “spiritual warrant of arrest” for the deadly coronavirus. In a video shared on Instagram, the traditional ruler made proclamations regarding COVID-19. He stated that he has pronounced the arrest of the deadly virus through his office with an ultimatum of 16 days for it to vacate the world.

The Oluwo recalled how he prayed for President Muhammadu Buhari when he was sick in 2017 and claimed to have “arrested Buhari’s sickness” by asking it to transfer to him. He believes he can do the same to arrest the Coronavirus.

In a statement accompanying the video, Oba Akanbi expressed his concern about the significant damage caused by the virus to the world’s economy and lives. He called on those who believe in one God to seek divine intervention to eradicate the menace.

He emphasized his spiritual office as a paramount ruler, stating that he could use it to castrate the virus and make it impotent. Oba Akanbi emphasized that only God could arrest the spiritual virus and urged believers to seek divine intervention to arrest the deadly virus.

In addition, he highlighted the uniqueness of his clean palace, devoid of idolatry, as the House of God on earth. Oba Akanbi described his office as holy with a unique status before God. He emphasized his position as the Commander of Deities, with the ability to intercede for his subjects.

The video included in the post showcases the Oluwo of Iwo discussing the spiritual warrant of arrest for Coronavirus.