Ogun State Governor Abiodun Stands Firm Amidst Social Media Criticism

In a recent statement, the Governor of Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun, emphasized that his extensive political experience shields him from being swayed by negative social media attacks questioning his performance as a governor.

Reflecting on his early career achievements, including becoming a national lawmaker at 35, Abiodun asserted that his track record speaks for itself, eliminating the need for self-promotion.

Addressing a coalition of youth organizations, the governor highlighted his administration’s achievements in healthcare, education, infrastructure, and security, essential for sustainable socio-economic progress.

Regarding social media attacks, Abiodun expressed his indifference, citing advice from a political mentor to stay relevant even amidst criticisms, acknowledging his resilience in the face of adversity.

Recounting his journey to governance and significant revenue growth under his leadership, Abiodun dismissed claims of inaction, emphasizing his unwavering commitment to progress in Ogun State.

Detailing his administration’s focus on infrastructure, social welfare, education, youth empowerment, and agriculture, encapsulated in the ISEYA mantra, the governor urged Nigerian youths to engage constructively with the government to address national challenges.

In light of potential protests, Abiodun cautioned against actions that could escalate issues, referencing past unrest and advocating for dialogue and collaborative problem-solving.

Amid Nigeria’s challenges, Abiodun called upon youths to contribute their energy and innovation to navigate the country through difficult times, emphasizing the importance of collective solutions over divisive actions.