NPC DG, Agundi, visits Labour Minister

The newly appointed Director General of the National Productivity Centre, Dr Baffa Agundi, on Tuesday, visited the Minister of Labour and Employment, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, in her office, where he personally introduced himself after his appointment.

It would be recalled that President Bola Tinubu appointed Agundi, who was a former Managing Director of Kano Road Transport Authority, as the Director General of the centre last week.

Agundi, a former Majority leader of the Kano State House of Assembly, was also the Director General of the All Progressives Congress Presidential Campaign Council Directorate of Support Groups in the North West.

The minister also expressed appreciation to Agundi for the visit assuring him of her support and total cooperation towards achieving the renewed hope agenda of the President.

She said, “I deeply appreciate your finding time to visit and formally introduce yourself. I will cooperate and support your efforts toward achieving the renewed hope of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“I urge you to be dedicated while discharging your primary responsibilities so as to rekindle the President’s trust and confidence in you.”

“I also urge you to be focused and result-oriented, so as to justify Mr President’s confidence and trust in you.”

Meanwhile, the duo have agreed to meet again after the official assumption to the office.