Nnamdi Kanu’s Threat to Abia Police Commissioner’s Children

Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has issued a threat against the children of Abia Police Commissioner, Ene Okon, in response to potential violence at the burial ceremony of his parents in Afaraukwu on Friday, February 14.

The IPOB leader referred to the Abia Commissioner as “Inspector Okon” and included his photo in a Facebook post where he made the threat.

“If Inspector Okon and his commanders come to my father’s house to kill anyone on 14th February 2020 at my parents’ burial, we will hunt down their children.”

Nnamdi Kanu threatens to hunt down the children of Abia Police Commissioner, Ene Okon

This comes following a warning from Abia Commissioner, Ene Okon, who cautioned IPOB members to avoid the burial due to potential disruptions.

“Do you think we will sit down here and allow IPOB to participate in the burial? Whoever thinks along that line is fooling himself. IPOB will dance during the burial and the police elephants will dance too.
“I have already reached out to the traditional prime minister of Afaraukwu (Nnamdi Kanu’s community) and told him that if they want the burial to go smoothly and for police to give them security, they should tell IPOB not to near the area not to talk of participating in the burial. If they fail to adhere to what we’ve told them, that means they do not want the burial to go on smoothly because we are going to scatter the place.”