Nigerian Techpreneur’s Experience with a Friend He Helped in the Past

A recent incident involving Nigerian business mogul and techpreneur, Sim Shagaya, highlights a troubling experience he had with a friend whom he had assisted in the past. The friend expressed an unwillingness to maintain their relationship after Shagaya was unable to provide him with $10,000.


Shagaya, who advises individuals in their 20s and 30s to focus on working, saving, investing, and deferring consumption, reflected on how he and his friend had been presented with similar opportunities and made different life choices.


Recounting the assistance he had offered his friend, including help with his mortgage, the Nigerian techpreneur revealed that he had reached out to his friend for advice on a non-monetary matter, only to be told not to call him again because he had failed to provide the requested $10,000.


He shared his thoughts on the matter in a tweet.


Nigerian techpreneur narrates how a friend he has helped in the past told him not to call him again because he couldn't give him $10,000Nigerian techpreneur narrates how a friend he has helped in the past told him not to call him again because he couldn't give him $10,000