Nigerian Man’s Bible Verses Condemnation of African American Women’s Engagement in Hawaii Sparks Controversy (Photos)

Expressing disdain towards the recent engagement of two African American women in Honolulu, Hawaii, a Nigerian man voiced his disapproval.

One of the women had shared her joy of getting engaged to her lesbian partner on Twitter. In response, a Nigerian man with the username @ezekielolusanmi quoted Bible verses to condemn their relationship, emphasizing that marriage should only be between a man and a woman and declaring anything else as an ‘abomination.’


Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)

The couple faced criticism from other Twitter users, while some stepped forward to defend the women.

Below are their reactions:


Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)Nigerian man quotes Bible verses as he condemns two African American women who recently got engaged in Hawaii (Photos)