Nigerian lady recounts her brother’s alleged murder in Cyprus and the purported attempt to conceal it

An account has surfaced on Twitter, detailing the alleged murder of a Nigerian lady’s brother in Cyprus, just before he would have turned 26 on May 10.


The user, @SadieB_, claimed that her brother was thought to have been murdered and that there was an alleged effort to disguise his violent death by portraying it as a fall from a 7-storey building.


She further disclosed that upon the transportation of her brother’s remains back to Nigeria, no evidence of trauma such as bruises or skull fractures was observed. Instead, he had a bleeding hole in his head which persisted until his burial.


The individual affirmed that her mother’s colleagues have steadfastly pursued the case, eventually involving pertinent authorities in Cyprus. @SadieB_ also appended a screenshot of a message her sibling sent to their mother prior to the purported murder.


She conveyed via a tweet; 


On what would have been your 26th birthday, my younger brother was killed in Cyprus 7 months ago. They attempted to spin the narrative as a suicide but my mother insisted on repatriating his body. Being a lawyer, she persisted and with the support of her associates, prompted the reopening of the investigation

They propagated a narrative of him falling from a 7-story building. They anticipated us agreeing to his interment there, but my mother insisted on bringing him back. Once she arrived in Cyprus, their account began to alter. They started claiming they suspected foul play, and so forth

His body was repatriated to Nigeria without any signs of trauma, fractures, or even a fractured skull. He only had a hole in his head from which blood continued to flow, even before his burial. Bear in mind, his body returned 6 days after his death, and there was still blood gushing out

How do you plummet from a 7-story building without sustaining a single bruise? Now that the embassy is involved, the narrative has shifted to a homicide. My mother’s colleagues were adamant about pursuing it until it reached the authorities

I pray that those responsible for my brother’s murder, those who attempted to cover it up, those who are privy to the truth but concealed it, causing anguish to our family, and those who propagated falsehoods, may Allah expose each and every one of you

I do not wish for you to undergo what we did. However, I pray that the truth is unveiled to all. He was murdered on a Friday, so in shaa Allah, he’s at peace. We ought to contemplate our own fates. May Allah forgive us all and reunite us in Jannah

A few days prior to his death, he sent this to my mother, who then forwarded it to me. He sensed what was impending, I’m certain. We are people of alhamdulillah, so there are no ‘if only’s. Allah knows best. May Allah forgive you, Khalil. In shaa Allah, justice will prevail


Nigerian lady narrates how her brother was Nigerian lady narrates how her brother was Nigerian lady narrates how her brother was