Nigerian govt vows to address sudden deaths among civil servants

The Nigerian Government has pledged to tackle preventable Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDS) and sudden deaths among civil servants, as part of its commitment to prioritizing the health and well-being of its workforce. This was announced by the Head of Civil Service of the Federation during a one-day training workshop for 500 officers in the Federal Civil Service.

According to the Permanent Secretary, Service Welfare Office, Mahmud Adam Kambari, the government is fully aware of the importance of the safety and health of civil servants. He highlighted the increasing mortality rate among civil servants and emphasized the urgent need to address this concerning issue.

Kambari stressed the significance of addressing preventable Non-Communicable Diseases and sudden deaths among the workforce, describing them as a paramount necessity. He also emphasized the global public health challenge posed by non-communicable diseases and their impact on the efficiency of the civil service workforce.

Furthermore, the commitment of the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation to the well-being of its workforce was described as more than just a policy statement, but a moral obligation.

Dr. Comfort Adeosun, the Director of Occupational Health, Safety and Environment in the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation, highlighted the vital role of workplace wellness in employee well-being and organizational efficiency. She also emphasized the connection between personal wellness and productivity.