Nigerian Army Condemns Officer’s Assault on Youth Corper in Calabar

The Nigerian Army has expressed strong disapproval of the conduct of one of its officers captured in a widely circulated video assaulting a member of the National Youth Service Corps.


The video shows a female officer pouring water on the corper and instructing her to kneel, reportedly as a punishment for engaging in an argument. Read more here.


In response, the Nigerian Army spokesperson, Brig. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, issued a statement announcing the launch of an investigation into the incident. The officer has been identified and subjected to interim sanctions, and will also face regimental orders (trial) in accordance with the provisions of the Armed Forces Act.


The statement released by the Nigerian Army reads:


”The Nigerian Army (NA) has taken note of a circulating video clip on social media, depicting a female officer degrading a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Calabar, Cross River State. This conduct is not only reprehensible, but also goes against the established principles of discipline within the NA.

The NA has consistently been a source of national pride and a symbol of unity, steadfast in upholding the fundamental human rights of citizens. On this basis, the NA unequivocally condemns this unacceptable act committed by one of its personnel. The officer’s actions have brought significant embarrassment to the NA and are deeply regrettable. This display of indiscipline does not reflect the values of the NA and will not be tolerated.

It is important to note that the incident occurred at 13 Brigade, Calabar. Following this, the Brigade Commander initiated an investigation and promptly identified and sanctioned the officer on an interim basis. The officer will also be subjected to regimental orders (trial) in line with the existing provisions of the Armed Forces Act. Any insinuation that the Brigade attempted to cover up the incident is misleading, as the NA remains a professional force that has zero tolerance for indiscipline among its personnel.

The NA wishes to reassure the public that such misconduct will not be tolerated from its personnel.

The NA also affirms its commitment to upholding the rights of citizens, emphasizing that any infractions will be dealt with severely.

We urge the public to continue reporting such violations, as the Human Rights Desks in all NA formations are equipped to decisively address such misconduct.

The NA extends an unreserved apology to the victim, her family, friends, and the NYSC, and to the Nigerian people in general, for the unjust treatment inflicted on the Corps member.”