Niger state Councillor absconds with Coronavirus palliative grains

The news of a Niger State councillor who absconded with 30 bags of grains meant for COVID-19 palliative distribution in his constituency has caused a stir. The Secretary to the State Government and Chairman of the state’s Task Force on COVID-19, Alhaji Ahmed Ibrahim Matane, has confirmed the incident and issued an order for the councillor’s arrest.

The councillor, who was part of a committee responsible for distributing the grains to his community, has disappointed the state government with his actions. In response, security operatives have been deployed to apprehend him. Matane expressed his disappointment and informed the media that committees comprising of a councillor, party chairman, ward head, and a religious leader were established in each of the 274 wards in the state to monitor the distribution of the grains.

Notably, the state government had allocated 10 bags of rice, maize, and millet to each of the 274 wards across the 25 local government areas. The incident has raised concerns about the distribution and management of COVID-19 relief resources in the state.