New Kano CP Assumes Duty, Vows to Enhance Security Measures

The Kano State Police Commissioner newly appointed, Salman Dogo Garba, has officially taken on his role and has expressed his commitment to ensuring the utmost security for both lives and properties.

During a send-off event held at the Officers Mess Bompai in Kano to honor the former Commissioner of Police, Husani Gumel, who was elevated to AIG, the new CP sought the assistance and collaboration of the Officers and Men within the Kano Police Command, as well as the general public.

In his address, the outgoing CP acknowledged the unwavering support he received from the officers and men serving in the Kano State Command, attributing his successful tenure in Kano to their dedication.

AIG Gumel encouraged the staff to offer the new CP their full support to help him achieve the goals set for the department.

At the event, the Correspondent Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, Kano State Chapter, honored the departing CP with an Excellence Award for his exceptional performance throughout his time in office.

The ceremony also featured the presentation of awards to Police Officers and Men, as well as other charitable individuals, for their contributions to fostering peace within the state.