NCDC Warns of Inevitable Spread of Coronavirus to Every State

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Director General, Chikwe Ihekweazu, has emphasized that Coronavirus will reach every state in Nigeria. Ihekweazu made this disclosure during an appearance on the Sunrise Daily programme on Channels Television, drawing parallels between the virus and Lassa Fever. He also acknowledged the challenges in halting the spread of Coronavirus.

“We have responded to Lassa smoothly and nobody shut down the country because it wasn’t necessary, the response was fairly efficient. Now, COVID-19 is on a much larger scale – at the moment in 22 states but it will grow to every state in Nigeria, there is no reason why it won’t – it is a respiratory virus. We just activated the lab in Kano a few days ago. So, these are the results of the increased testing capacity that we are providing for the country. The tests are fairly robust; I can’t say 100 per cent, but they are as close to that as possible. We had the highest number of positive cases in a single day. Since the onset of the outbreak, we are testing a lot more (and) that is beginning to show. It is only so much we can do from NCDC; we are working with the state governments. They actually own the response at the state and local levels, and we need all of them now. We really have to face the reality that this is an outbreak, this is a virus. It will circulate in Nigeria, absolutely no doubt and our responsibility as a country is to prepare more, to be able to detect, isolate, treat, list contacts, and stop transmission.”

The disease has affected 407 individuals in Nigeria across 22 states. While 128 persons had been discharged, Nigeria has recorded 12 deaths.